Literal Stockholm Syndrome. At least the brainwashing breaks down after a certain point, as demonstrated by the people's unwillingness to board a Somali migrant in their own homes. Maybe some of them started to wake up, although I suspect many doubled down on their liberal values to avoid the unpleasant cognitive dissonance.
Literal Stockholm Syndrome. At least the brainwashing breaks down after a certain point, as demonstrated by the people's unwillingness to board a Somali migrant in their own homes. Maybe some of them started to wake up, although I suspect many doubled down on their liberal values to avoid the unpleasant cognitive dissonance.
"Oh but not at my place, I don't have the room (in a 250sqm apartment in the most expensive district in Stockholm City), and! We're all in it together! Solidarity!"
Swedish state-TV sent their own team to prove how wonderful life in the high-rise anti-swedish ghettoes are. That team got harassed and assaulted and had to run away under police escort.
They still aired it, heavily edited.
Several "alt-news" sources have tried hosting Pride-marches in the ghettoes. The police denies them this, citing the risk of riots and not being able to protect the lives of the marchers. This is completely covered up by the state media.
Literal Stockholm Syndrome. At least the brainwashing breaks down after a certain point, as demonstrated by the people's unwillingness to board a Somali migrant in their own homes. Maybe some of them started to wake up, although I suspect many doubled down on their liberal values to avoid the unpleasant cognitive dissonance.
That they did - the spiel went:
"Oh but not at my place, I don't have the room (in a 250sqm apartment in the most expensive district in Stockholm City), and! We're all in it together! Solidarity!"
Swedish state-TV sent their own team to prove how wonderful life in the high-rise anti-swedish ghettoes are. That team got harassed and assaulted and had to run away under police escort.
They still aired it, heavily edited.
Several "alt-news" sources have tried hosting Pride-marches in the ghettoes. The police denies them this, citing the risk of riots and not being able to protect the lives of the marchers. This is completely covered up by the state media.