> Sadly, you're wrong. In an older world where most labour was done manually, even severly autistic people could be given simple manual jobs and could provide if not a lot so at least some kind of contribution to the farm's economy.
The older world also couldn't afford to give an autistic three full time caretakers.
> Sadly, you're wrong. In an older world where most labour was done manually, even severly autistic people could be given simple manual jobs and could provide if not a lot so at least some kind of contribution to the farm's economy.
The older world also couldn't afford to give an autistic three full time caretakers.
Of course not. As I said, the middle-class-for-all scenario is only recently technologically possible, so if my stepson were born elsewhere-or-when, things would be very different.
> Sadly, you're wrong. In an older world where most labour was done manually, even severly autistic people could be given simple manual jobs and could provide if not a lot so at least some kind of contribution to the farm's economy.
The older world also couldn't afford to give an autistic three full time caretakers.
Of course not. As I said, the middle-class-for-all scenario is only recently technologically possible, so if my stepson were born elsewhere-or-when, things would be very different.