> Or try to "up-lift" them. Look at 20th century history. Look at all the money spent in Africa to zero net benefit for anyone save dictators and corrupt officials.
Well, the "up-lift" strategy did work in India. Of course, that was before the World Bank and WTO were taken over by woke/green lefties.
> Or try to "up-lift" them. Look at 20th century history. Look at all the money spent in Africa to zero net benefit for anyone save dictators and corrupt officials.
Well, the "up-lift" strategy did work in India. Of course, that was before the World Bank and WTO were taken over by woke/green lefties.
> Or try to "up-lift" them. Look at 20th century history. Look at all the money spent in Africa to zero net benefit for anyone save dictators and corrupt officials.
Well, the "up-lift" strategy did work in India. Of course, that was before the World Bank and WTO were taken over by woke/green lefties.