The Journal of Write Wing Righting - Issue No. 12 - 08 July 2023
Parisian Street Warfare Edition
Welcome, dear readers, to this week’s compendium of discredited race science, incorrigible nativism, irresponsible conspiracy mongering, wild-eyed mysticism, hateful panphobism, and literary terrorism expectorated from the ignorant and uneducated grinning chud maw of Substack’s write wing.
This week we celebrated the Birth of a Nation, at least if you’re American ... the rest of us just had to hear about it. The American experiment may have been born in resistance to tyranny, but these days we’re subject to the endless Tyranny of the Machine. Which isn’t as bad as anarchotyranny: the big news of the week is that Paris is burning, which is just one of our Immigration Problems. The all too real fires spreading through the West are a fitting counterpart to the metaphorical fires of the Competence Crisis burning the West down. Perhaps it’s time for a return to Aryanism? After all, this is a time of war: Spiritual Warfare, Political Warfare, Narrative Warfare, Cultural Warfare, and Warfare Warfare. We finish today’s digest with some Revenge on the Nerds, and finally seek sanctuary from grim reality with some PVLP. The fictional offerings this week are pretty great; I strongly encourage you to check them out.
Before getting into the rest of the links, I’m opening today’s digest with a A plea for help! from The Tomb of Morgthorak.
has been out of work for a while, and he’s having a hell of a time finding a position to pay the bills. Help a lich out. He’ll write something for you if you want, and he’s a good writer.Also, an announcement: I’ll be doing a Twitter space with
today, Saturday July 8th, at 8 pm, to help introduce Substack writers to new readers.As always, keep an eye out for this week’s winner of the Iron Ring, as well of course as the honourable mentions. Now settle in with a French press, and let’s get with it,
Birth of a Nation
The Highly Respected
thinks that The Squad’s Insanity May Be The New Story For Independence Day. You can keep having your barbeques (although they will be meatless), and your beer (it must be Bud Light), because it will provide an annual reminder for why you have to pay dem reparations.Contemplations on the
has some Classic Thoughts Re-Written for the Modern Patriot on this Independence Day 2023. The controlled demolition of the education system has produced a generation of illiterates incapable of comprehending the original texts of the American Founders as written, so Woe has rewritten them in TikTokese.The West has fallen! Long live the West! The motheRucker
would like to remind you that You are the West ... and you're not dead yet.The Domestic Extremist
uses the occasion to list off 10 Things I Still Like About America.Tyranny of the Machine
Have you noticed how everything we use these days seems designed to nudge us into making the ‘right’ choice, as defined by some faceless bureaucrat somewhere? Do you know how controlled you are?
at the Disaffected Newsletter has grown quite exhausted with it all, starting with an air conditioning unit that makes the user jump through hoops to perform its proper function, all in the name of being ‘eco-friendly’.At The Cat Was Never Found
gives a series of vignettes about the horrible Things That Speak. From the supermarket intercom to the Uber driver’s phone giving him directions to your friend’s annoying kid’s annoying toy, they’ve become ubiquitous and inescapable, and they have not made the world an even slightly better place.After an extended hiatus which sounds like it was a welcome escape from the hypnotic entrancement of the black mirror,
would like you to know: I'm back.Immigration Problems
Outside of the Great White North, few understand just how bad the mass immigration situation has become.
sets the record straight in Bad Immigrants? Housing prices, for example, are now the highest relative to income on the planet.At a plague chronicle
watches France Burning. He sets the immolation of France in the context of the decade of Islamic violence and the long decades of the post-war establishment’s suppression of national sentiment. of Fisted by Foucault points at a US State Department-Trained French Activist/Arsonist Pouring Fuel on the Fire. French should be in scare quotes.Competence Crisis
contrasts tard bears and ungovernable dingoes in The Koala: A Creature for Our Time. Be the dingo, not the koala. This is an artfully written, concise, funny, and insightful piece from a new writer, and gets an honourable mention. You should check it out.At The Fahrenheidt Family Archives
comes back from the Scyldings Event with some thoughts on Meritocracy Found Amongst the Periphery. It’s beyond obvious that meritocracy no longer exists in the formal institutions, and that the toads inhabiting them are merely play-acting as an elite. So where is meritocracy found? You know where. This piece gets another honourable mention; it’s an excellent companion to last week’s essential and Iron Ring Award-winning Teleocracy and Prestige from @Johann Kurtz.Heterodox STEM gives a lesson in the recondite Gibbs Phenomenon affecting Fourier series around a jump discontinuity, as a warning about what might happen when ‘rigour’ aka ‘white supremacy’ is neglected in the training of our new stunning and brave generation of diverse physicists and engineers.
of Not On Your Team But Always Fair delivers a short and savage judgement on Affirmative Action, which she considers to be nothing more than Cheating for Racists.At bad cattitude
expresses very similar sentiments to those articulated by Briggs. In free association and free people, the bad cat argues that institutions and businesses should be allowed to discriminate in any way they choose as regards whom they serve and whom they hire.At Science Is Not The Answer
thinks that eliminating Affirmative Action is great but that instead The Supreme Court Should Have Allowed ALL Free Association. Couldn't agree more. Let people associate as they choose, according to whatever criteria they choose. It will be very interesting to see how those groups that exclude white men perform against those who admit only white men. Briggs next asks Why Universities Are Still Shrieking In Hersterical Fear & Mandating Student Vaccination. That so many universities are still pressing forward with this charade, and that masks are still so much in evidence amongst the faculty, is the final and decisive element that the modern campus no longer has the slightest interest in the good, the beautiful, and the true. Very much including STEM faculties.At Aporia Magazine Bo Wineguard provides a thorough and very reasonable introduction to human biodiversity and the bitter harvest that comes with ignoring it in Race Realism: A Moderate's Manifesto. Wineguard leaves it open as to whether cognitive differences are due to nature or nurture, but
is pretty certain that it’s former, and to make his case he’s assembled A plethora of evidence for genetic influence of American race-ethnic gaps in intelligence .Aryanism
You’ve probably heard of the tripartite caste system of the Indo-Europeans, but do you know from whom the concept originated? The
gives an introduction to the life’s work of a forgotten rightist scholar as he inquires Are You Dumezilmaxxing? "Hit the library and Dumezilmaxx today, along with some raw eggs and deadlifts. In fact, save time and just slonk and lift in the stacks and dare the nerds to stop you." sings the Aryan Blues. Conservatives are constantly whining that they’re the real defenders of the left, for instance with the silly argument that WWII was fought to defeat anti-Semitism. The truth is that the left is absolutely correct when it castigates our ancestors as a bunch of racists, islamophobes, and so on, just as they’re correct when they point out that American media and advertising right up through the 1990s was indistinguishable from Third Reich propaganda. Since the racism of the white soul is as immutable as the racial preference in every other genetic group, the unavoidable logic of the left’s imperative to eradicate white supremacy leads to the eradication, one way or another, of white people.At The Neo-Ciceronian Times
points out that The West IS White Supremacist. And that’s a good thing.Spiritual Warfare
At Classical Ideals
declares that There is No Such thing as “Mental" Illness. Psychiatrists aren’t doing brain scans or blood tests to diagnose their patients, so their insistence on a biochemical or neurological basis for psychiatric symptoms is nothing more than scientistic (NB not scientific) window-dressing. Megha argues that the whole idea of mental illness is made up, including in the case of schizophrenia, and the actual problem is emotional disturbance arising from poor lifestyles either chosen or forced by our rotten, antihuman system. A Ghost in the Machine comes back from vacation to muse on Life's Rich Pageant. This is one of those pieces you might skip because the title doesn't do justice to the content, which takes a ten thousand foot of the horrors of the current historical moment and comes back down to Earth with a surprisingly optimistic perspective. An easy honourable mention, and worth reading in full. Next up, in American Idolatry, Daniel looks at the egregore known as Whitney Houston. When we pay attention, what are we paying with, and who, or what, exactly, are we paying?At The Cat Was Never Found
completes his dissection of the prismatic pennant of pederasty in Rainbow Blight Part 3 and Part 4. It’s only recently that we started talking about groomers, but Mark thinks the grooming started a long time ago, with an Open Sesame Street straight into the subconscious of every kid in the West through which a legion of demonic muppets marched in to take up residence in our corrupted hearts. As always with Mark’s work, Rainbow Blight is weird, deep, and unsettling, and it is another of this week’s honourable mentions. Set aside the time to read the full thing.At LucTalks
talks Beyond Physicalism: And Now? We were all raised within a materialist culture, which we can’t quite escape, but from a philosophical perspective twentieth century physicalism is as dead as the nineteenth century’s clockmaker God. So where do we go from here?At his Webstead, Jeff Russell takes some time explaining how a nice, sensible guy became a right wing neopagan druid in How I Came to Believe What I Do.
has a very low-effort but very appreciative post this week at Becoming Noble: You're so smart. His readers, that is. has two Notes from the end of time on the gustatory sin: Stuffing your Emptiness and The Gluttony of Sensation. of the The Manly Saints Project tells us about Saint Athanasius the Athonite, builder and conqueror.Political Warfare
At Seeking the Hidden Thing
continues his Deep Dive into Jacques Ellul's "Autopsy of Revolution" pt. 2: The Rational Bourgeoisie State. Revolution is an expression of their religious imperative to achieve the terminal utopia of the fully rationalized world. relates a ghost story from the terminal phase of the Roman Empire in The Oath of Mars, telling of a secret society of Gallish aristocrats who set out to try and revive the Empire, only to be frustrated, betrayed, and then turn their backs upon it in disgust. Sounds familiar. This essay gets an honourable mention for its uncovering of a bit of forgotten history, and its tying it to the contemporary political condition.You’ve probably seen the term spiteful mutant being thrown about by the big brain boys, but what makes them mutants and why are they spiteful? At The Circulation of Elites
has you covered in NOT WHAT THEY SEAM, where SEAM is the Social Epistasis Amplification Model. McConkey thinks it’s a useful model, although he’s got critiques, related to his earlier suggestion that the historical rhythm of civilizational rise and collapse might be more usefully thought of as a transition from spatial to temporal alignment and back again.At A Roll of the Dice
muses on @Theophilus Chilton’s preference for monarchy over democracy in the context of the Game of Thrones in Kings, Order, and Creative Destruction.At a plague chronicle
observes that As Greens double down on their politically suicidal climate agenda, the German political establishment begins to crack. The Greens are suicide bombing the residential wealth of their own political base. Maybe knocking that pillar aside will cause the entire rotten edifice to crumble?At The Neo-Feudal Review
takes a comprehensive look at Trump on trial: an examination of globohomo's sword-and-shield strategy. NLF doesn’t fancy Trump’s chances, and he suspects that the orange man’s public bravado notwithstanding, neither does Trump. stakes out the controversial and therefore undoubtedly correct position that there is no such thing as a matriarchal society. This is because, contra the various pre-Darwinian ideologies that imagine patriarchy as oppression for the sake of being mean, patriarchy is simply an adaptive response to rearing resource-intensive human children in a dangerous world.At Political Ponerology
continues his translation of Lobaczewski’s unpublished work with Logocracy - Chapter 23: The Logocratic Constitution. It’s a first draft. And it seems like Harrison’s work promoting Lobaczewski’s book Political Ponerology is starting to pay off, with attention from Michael Shellenberger and J. D. Haltigan, who are calling it One of the Most Important Books of Our Time.Narrative Warfare
The Radical American Mind
gives us a briefing on the subject of Battling Narratives in the Marketplace of Ideas, in which he introduces us to the concepts of proxy and predicate: proxy being the substitution of a boogieman for the actual target (e.g., Russian disinformation for populist messaging), and predicate being the kayfabe rationale for the attack (we must save Our Democracy!) Grant’s essay gets this week’s Iron Ring Award. Read the whole thing.Tell Me How This Ends,
. Tell us all. In The Panic Strategy Bray looks at the hysterical FUD that accompanied the Extreme Court’s decision to repeal the Civil Rights Act and bring back the days of We don’t serve your kind, here, except ... the ruling said nothing of the kind. Elite-lickers are also panicking about the coming tsunami of misinformation the will inevitably follow the injunction preventing “Joe Biden” from censoring social media, but his his part Bray wonders Where Are These Angels? Who can be relied upon not to accidentally classify something true as officially false? Luckily, that has never happened. Anyone who says it has is spreading dangerous right-wing conspiracy theories. publishes another Letter From O’Brien at Escaping Mass Psychosis: Engaging, or not, Leftist arguments. Don’t argue: just call it bait. Then bait them back. New Right Poast #75. Get dozed “Fake frenchies, deranged mids, Supreme Court physiognomy, Killdozer soundtrack, seized endowments, and more!”. #76. Not real “Featuring sci-fi award hijackers, based economists, beleaguered memers, alternative transmedia ecosystems, space crusaders, and turbulent flights.”Cultural Warfare
At Position & Decision
completes his commentary on Ernst Jünger's "The Glass Bees", which provides fodder for examining the alienation of the bugman from a world drained of all magic, colour, and freedom, living a deflated life trapped like a sick beast in the cage of owned space. thinks the new Indy flick is no more than bad fan fic, and she says that as a writer who has written her share of fan fiction in Confessions of a fan-fic author. Katy has also posted Chapter 19 of her novel The Hidden People.At The Lake of Lerna
eulogizes Indiana Jones and the Last Franchise. Along with Star Wars, Willow, Ghost Busters, Star Trek, Marvel, DC, Scooby Doo, Harry Potter, and every other broken IP that has been stripped down and sold off for parts by the soulless spreadsheet mercenaries. With Indy falling on its face, LucasFilm is now a spent force, with nothing left to give. Like the West, Hollywood has fallen. This is a really great piece, and gets an honourable mention.Warfare Warfare
What’s worse than a Nuclear Breeze? As
explains, nuclear mud, which if that reactor in Ukraine gets blown up “by Russia”, could poison the surrounding region with silent death just inches beneath the soil for the next eon or so, rendering it permanently uninhabitable. plays a very tiny violin as The Sun Sets On Richard N. Haass's CFR Career. It seems that Haas, arch-globalist and long-time president of the Council on Foreign Relations, now thinks that America is now the greatest threat to the Rules-Based Our Human Rights Values International Order. After all, the populist insurgency, domestic decay, political stasis, and so on is starting to threaten the positions of people like him. Simplicius also covers the possible upcoming nuclear false flag at the Zaporozhye reactor in the week’s two sitreps: Final Hour of Zelensky's Terror Ploy and Zelensky Builds One Last Suicidal Thrust to Appease Masters.At The Slavland Chronicles
provides an introductory overview of his work covering the Ukraine war: Welcome to the Slavlands, Stalker. He pretends to eat crow in the tongue in cheek There Was No Wagner Mutiny, which appears to be the Kremlin’s current narrative. Finally, he goes out on a limb and predicts that Moscow Will Probably Begin Formal Surrender Negotiations By the End of the Year. I guess we’ll see.Revenge on the Nerds
At Science Is Not The Answer
argues that The Randomized In Randomized Controlled Trials Is Pure Superstition; Bad Magic. goes looking for a better indicator of socioeconomic progress and standard of living than per-capita GDP in GDP problems, but what solutions? After a lot of careful analysis considering a wide range of variables, he comes to the conclusion that the best metric is actually a very simple one.PVLP
This week saw the launch of Pulp, Pipe, & Poetry, a new collaborative project organized by
which aims to deliver exactly what it says on the tin. A Letter From the Editor:The Partners and I are writers; students of the pulp fictioneers that came long before us that survived during a time of economic uncertainty, pandemic, and wartime (hmm) by telling stories of adventure, mystery, suspense, science fiction, fantasy, and horror to a hungry readership. We believe the pendulum of time is swinging back to that period that thrived in the 20s, 30s, and 40s. The Pulp Revival has been cooking for some time now with new writers, magazines, and even publishers making strides in this new world of independent publishing. That, coupled with the current state of entertainment and media, offers our band of pulp brothers the opportunity to build our own imprint and contribute our own stories. The gates are down.
The first short fiction from PP&P is
’s 40k-flavoured An Incursion into Void-Amsterdam:Zaphkiel hated drifting into the Void. Floating arrow-straight, the glorious engines of the Eternal Dawn spirited them closer to shadowed realms. Glimpses of flickering mists, torn and pulled by unseen movement, through the glint of luminous apertures. Unbidden, the seeping nauseous fear, the deep itch of wrongness burrowing into the spirit and tormenting the mind. And the ever-present, fearsome howling of the deep, mere inches outside the hallowed protection of the Eternal Dawn's bronzed hull. Once inside voidspace, he set the navigator’s attendant spirits on course for Amsterdam, opened the Books of the Elect and Blinded, and began to read.
Next at PP&P,
reviews a pair of 90s Injun movies, Thunderheart and Last of the Dogmen, in Going Native.For the 4th of July, PP&P served up My Chains, a verse about freedom and redemption, from
.At Soaring Twenties
writes Fruit Fly. I think he was on peyote when he wrote this.No one knew what time the chickens would be doing their performance, but considering that all of the guests at the show were currently trapped in a wall of frozen karate sauce, it really didn’t matter.
This month’s Soaring Twenties Symposium, on Superstition, has several short fiction entries, among which is
’s Scandinavian ice age troll tale, Bergtagen:When the Wolf Cave objects were found in the Bötombergen Mountain in Finland, beginning in 1996, Evert was 15 years old. He wasn’t particularly interested in archeology or geology, and didn’t either take an interest in reading the newspapers or listening to the local radio news. Sure, like all young kids in the area, he had played around the Wolf Cave when little but he was now a teenager and fantasy stories were things that occupied little kids. His main focus and interest nowadays was his moped and creating intricate forest trails with his friends in the pine forest near his parents’ house which happened to be located near the Wolf Cave.
While we’re on the subject of the Ice Age,
has the latest instalment of his Ice Age epic up at Grey Goose Chronicles: Chapter Three - The Plains:Killing an animal is much harder than you think. Not a little thing in a trap or a bird, but something with eyes bigger than your own, breath exhaling in steaming clumps. We had rites for asking the deer and calves to give themselves up to us, but we were still boys, on our own, and we knew only what we had gathered by ear.
I’ve been meaning to feature
’s 365 Infantry military cyberpunk for a while, and his series of vignettes set on the 4th in the 25th seems like a good place to start. That’s 25th as in the 25th century.“Joseph Cyrenius Gordon, this is madness! Are we really sure we can do this!?”
He wouldn’t budge. The gray-furred couple had been going back and forth about it all damn morning, the voluminous arguments ricocheting off the silver walls of the apartment. But for all her fretting, dear Mrs. Margret Gordon couldn’t get her man’s mind off the promise of it all.
That’s everything for this week, my friends. I hope you found something to entertain and enlighten in this collection. As always, if you’re still looking for more to read, feel free to check out my archive – and I do mean free, because it’s all in front of the paywall. Some of my most popular essays are collected here. A special thank you to the perfecti of the Martian legions who have stepped up to become supporters of this blog. You’re what makes all of this possible, and that isn’t just me trying to shift the blame. If you’ve been enjoying my writing, and would like to liberate your heavy spirit from the dense gravitational pull of your guilty conscience and thereby join the rest of us in orbit on Deimos Station, our doors are always open:
In between writing on Substack you can find me on Twitter @martianwyrdlord, and I’m also pretty active on the Russian malinformation distributor at Telegrams From Barsoom.
> Also, an announcement: I’ll be doing a Twitter space with Christopher Brunet today, Saturday July 8th, at 8 pm, to help introduce Substack writers to new readers.
Here is a link to the space! 8pm!
The piece about the koalas is one of the best things I’ve ever read.