Dante placed traitors in the deepest part of his imagined hell. By destroying trust, they destroy society.
Clearly, people of the West inhabit a One World Government already. Our oligarchy shuffles our "leaders" in and out on a whim (Ardern, Truss), selects diaper-soiling idiots to lead its most important franchise just for giggles (and c…
Dante placed traitors in the deepest part of his imagined hell. By destroying trust, they destroy society.
Clearly, people of the West inhabit a One World Government already. Our oligarchy shuffles our "leaders" in and out on a whim (Ardern, Truss), selects diaper-soiling idiots to lead its most important franchise just for giggles (and cackles), and makes the French vote twice when they find the results of the first election unsatisfactory.
The most distressing thing about this is that a good number of citizens are oblivious to it, and even offer full-throated support of it. Acts of perversion and the destruction of innocent human life in the womb are sacramental rituals in this satanic world. These people have wandered away from the Light. We are all going to pay the price for their blindness.
Winning over the hypnotized, or at least neutralizing their agency, is absolutely essential. That so many still support the odious regime is perhaps the single biggest obstacle to overthrowing it.
Dante placed traitors in the deepest part of his imagined hell. By destroying trust, they destroy society.
Clearly, people of the West inhabit a One World Government already. Our oligarchy shuffles our "leaders" in and out on a whim (Ardern, Truss), selects diaper-soiling idiots to lead its most important franchise just for giggles (and cackles), and makes the French vote twice when they find the results of the first election unsatisfactory.
The most distressing thing about this is that a good number of citizens are oblivious to it, and even offer full-throated support of it. Acts of perversion and the destruction of innocent human life in the womb are sacramental rituals in this satanic world. These people have wandered away from the Light. We are all going to pay the price for their blindness.
Winning over the hypnotized, or at least neutralizing their agency, is absolutely essential. That so many still support the odious regime is perhaps the single biggest obstacle to overthrowing it.
Winning them over could take many forms. I’ll point to your example of people avoiding police cars out of fear.
Agreement isn’t necessary. Compliance is. I suppose you’d put that under neutralizing their agency, but making it more obvious for the peanut gallery.
A simple test for John Henry Holiday’s thesis: show this article to 10 people who you know. You will be disowned by 9 of them.