It's also incredible that NOAA models don't even account for natural climate variability (aka The SUN and its electromagnetic pull) and only account for manmade climate changes in their models. The huge ball of fire right next to us...can it affect our Earth with things like magnetism and electricity...nah! The sun must be a conspiracy theorist.

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Yes but, see, you can't tax the Sun.

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Exactly! It taxes us, or we can gain dividends from it with incremental exposure and building the melanin sheets in our skin.

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May 1, 2023Liked by John Carter

Committee of 300 said it was to make mankind it's own enemy?

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That's exactly what it's function has been.

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"When everything the USA public thinks is a lie, our mission will be complete" - casey 1990 CIA director

Will that was 30 years ago, even Pompeo said "We cheat, we lie, we kill".


From an elite point of view, what better than a world of insane zombies killing each other and never being aware of the 'elite havens'

400+ years of doing same-same, back in the 1600's USA begat as a UK penal colony, so today post 2025 'purge' ( deagle-report ) it reverts to a penal-colony, rinse & repeat

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The game never changed, it only got worse

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I don't want to over-explain this post, but I am a natural justice nut; which is to say I am permanently annoyed because this phemomenom is seldom encountred. But at last, here is a chance for satisfaction. I want everybody to write in their diary, everytime somebody of substance supports climate alarmism. Why?

Because the people behind this are the globalists, or more to the point, the City of London, Basel Switzerland, and Wall Street. Thanks to each trying to knock each other out using the Ukraine proxy war and sanctions as battering clubs, it has all backfired. Wall St is dying. The City of London is dying. And the BIS is the ultimate weapon of all three entities. Without tangible triangulation, the entire construct collapses. True, this will become public knowledge in a decade but our very own pundits and gurus will be venturing their own versions in the coming weeks.

This means the digital revolution will implode, although The Great Depression Part Two is on schedule. Covid will degrade into a plea for reconciliation, amnesty, and forgiveness.

The last refuge of scoundrels will be carbon reduction. But, eventually this will catch up to them and everybody will deny they ever supported it. We need to make them wear their crimes and a diary entry has the same gravitas in court as an expert witness.

Which comes to the real point of this post. We all need to withdraw cash and use only this for our purchases. We are currently in a tightrope act and many Aussies and Americans have already worked this out and are slapping hard cash on the counter, all day every day to force retention of cash,

Very soon, many politicians are going to be writing their letters of resignation from their hotel room in Barbados, but the elected sheep will not see the axe coming down and will step up to take their turn on the throne. Get your hammer and nails out because we will need fasten them in situ.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023

They seem to be winning, zelensky called for tucker firing at fox; Done

Biden second election done, soon a corpse will be sold to USA as a POTUS

Hell soon enough open-AI's 'chat-Gpt' will be declared sentient, and fair woke judge & jury;


London, Swiss, & Wall street; Especially London, house of rothschild they plan out 2-4 generations, that's 80 year forward have actuarial planners who game every outcome;

To suggest that these people lose power, is well crazy;

The only way would be to destroy London, but that's a joke cuz all the owners have 'estates' far out of London, and don't actually ever go there; (active Rothschild banking since 16th century, and earlier )

So we end up with a world like now where Obama&Gates rule the world from their Hawaiian Island paradise;


Who is going change the direction of the herds? Big-Pharma owns MSM, and social-media via black-rock; Everything the lemmings (little-people) think is controlled, unless the power goes out and they must think for themselves they will be herded

Rothschild->Rockefeller->Gates and probably next will be Musk Foundation; Taking you to Mars or somewhere, but they will not be good places;

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BB... I am sure you are right, unless one applies unconventional weapons. With $500 trillion to play with, and 200 years to do it in, the globalists have considered every conceivable counter to their plan implementaton, and have designed a Plan A, B, C, D, and probably more, to counter the resistance moves. Actually, I have anticipated all four of those countermoves and identified many of the players of Plan B. It's not real hard.

The globalists presume they have access to the best minds and therefore cannot be defeated. I disagree. But we will just have to wait and see.

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Them and theirs still get et by void demons...

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Yep, there are just too many layers of 'obfuscation' for any moron to even fathom, but all is certainly hopeless, for the simple fact that its hard enough to get rich to even play the 'great game', let alone keep your money which a JP-Morgan said "It's not what you make, its what you keep"

Little people are fucked by birth may 2-3% become wealth&aware, maybe 0.01% keep their wealth generation2generation into perpetuity; Maybe 0.001% even get 'real education'.

It's not so much 'globalists' like I always say most can't even define the 'enemy'


Problem is like Casey so well defined, "When all the public believes is a LIE", where do you even fucking begin in terms of an organized revolution???


The PLAN was explained long ago to me by a patriarch in a family, one of my family's married into, at some point the billionaire patriarch took me aside and said 'would you like to ivest in a fund that would ensure your children are rich forever', I said no thanks, I would prefer my children be born poor and have work for their wealth forever;

But I did dig deeper, it turns out there are these 'actuarial' companys in London that for an 'investment' will guarantee that all offspring get say $1M USD/year for life from 18 to death; Forever for all spawn; This family in particular made its wealth in Shipping from Seattle to the Yukon the 1898 gold-rush, they had invested in these UK wealth-funds and now 4th generation 100's of grand-kids were all getting $1M/USD year, and $5M USD at 21 to do as they wished; Forever;

Now to make this all happen, one must plan out 2-4 generations, this is why we say "All wars are banker wars", but that is not true the Bankers are not the planners, or the actuarial investors; But these men do plan the wars, and decide which countrys land collapse in value (ukraine today), and which don't, the old BUY-LOW, SELL-HIGH scam, and they always win every bet;

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"When all the public believes is a LIE"

Mankind fears and hates the truth, they beg for lies.

'would you like to invest in a fund that would ensure your children are rich forever'

As above so below, the human soul cannibals are a pale imitation of the void demons that lie in wait.

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Taking people to Mars? Time to fight me some demons

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The black rock, Saturn, geometry of entropy

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Hawaiin paradise? It's a brown welfare shithole

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Thanks John. Very dispiriting to see your initiative is for paid only. Please be aware that many older folk, like me a pensioner are unable to pay a penny more for anything.

As such we are discriminated against. Ignored. Shut out.

By that you & your participants, partners et al, are losing out on us the elders points of views & our years of experience. Yes I know. It is what It is.

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I'm sorry to hear about your financial situation. On the other hand, while some of our members are gainfully employed, others (like me) currently aren't. Right now this is my primary revenue stream. But I also put all of my writing out there for free (so far), nor do I restrict the comments.

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May 3, 2023Liked by John Carter

The kool-aid tastes so good tho

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I'll give it a read, thanks.

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FYI they choke like hell when you call them Global Greening Deniers

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May 2, 2023Liked by John Carter

I wish it was the truth but sadly their apocalypse fantasy is not real.

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" a group of gentleman red pill, blue Pill or BROKE pill."

If you are living off paid subscriptions or encouraging paywalls, you are part of the problem and you are dinosaurs.

So you're broke but don't want to share knowledge with the poor? How modern.

Yeh, climate changes... Bla bla bla.

Can't we just agree that biodiversity is crucial to any future and that the machineman is doing a great job of culling the stupid, including most of their own dispensable hydra arms.

How sexy are farmers becoming these days....

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I'm very confused by this comment, as I've never put something behind a paywall.

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May 2, 2023Liked by John Carter

You put him to bed after spanking his ARSE

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May 2, 2023Liked by John Carter

It wasn't directed at you mate.

Although I like a good arse spanking.. how else does one learn?

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The evil Left is milking the global warming issue for all it's worth. This is not proof of a hoax. It's proof of the political cluelessness of the Right.


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The political angle isn't proof it's a hoax, it's just reason to be extremely skeptical. As are the utter failure of models to predict actual climate change with anything remotely resembling accuracy. Then of course there are the plethora of effects (volcanism, cloud cover, cosmic ray cloud nucleation, etc.) which the carbon cult simply pretends don't exist, and which when included tend to make nonsense of a model in which CO2 is the only determinant of climate change.

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May 1, 2023Liked by John Carter

Q: Why “The Science” Settled On “Carbon” [wmbriggs.com/post/42510/]

A: The Science settled on “carbon” because it’s easy.

🗨 What controls the climate on earth is not easy. It is the sun, mostly [...]. Second down on the list, but still huge, is water.[...] Third thing is land.[...] Fourth thing is life.[...] Last thing, likely the very last thing of any consequence, something way down on the list, is carbon dioxide.

Of all these things and more, CO2 happens the one *easiest to model*. Not to say said models have any skill to speak of.


One more no-nonsense quote ↓↓ to give a taste 🙂

🗨 Experts used to say “carbon dioxide” or “CO2”, as I did above. But that became too burdensome for them. So they shorted it to “carbon.” They all now condemn “carbon”. Which is ludicrous. And it makes them sounds foolish. But that, of course, has never been a stumbling block for Experts.

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Briggs is great on this subject.

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May 1, 2023Liked by John Carter

Briggs is great. Period, full stop ⏹️🤸

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A rare voice of clarity and sanity on many issues.

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The first order effects are settled. The second and higher order effects are not.

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I mean if we're rooting down in the noise for second- and third-order effects I think that demonstrates that the climate 'emergency', isn't one.

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It's not an emergency -- yet. That's what I (more colorfully) wrote in the post I linked to. This is an issue for young people to worry about.

I want the votes of young people, so I'm going to worry with them, but in a rational fashion. It's very easy to be greener than Gore. You may lose some coal miner votes in West Virginia, but you put California back in play. I'll take California.


As for second order effects, they will be quite noticeable when they fully cut in. And when they do, some emergency actions may well be called for. Second order effects include: carbon dioxide release from the oceans due to warmer water temperatures and methane emitted from melting permafrost.


For those who live in Canada, some real warming is going to feel pretty good. Figuring out where to put the 100 million Moslem refugees from Bangladesh and the Nile Delta will not feel so good.

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Young people care because they're told to care because they're systematically emotionally traumatized by the lying symbol manipulators.

As to the second-order effects, so far the CO2 models have failed, dramatically and without exception. There is essentially no detectable warming. There's also good reason to believe that the oceans releasing or absorbing CO2 is the entire reason for the connection between CO2 and temperature in e.g. ice cores.

At the end of the day, you don't win political or cultural wars by accepting the framing or premises of your enemies. Especially when those are based on transparent lies.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023Liked by John Carter

You sell the crapfugees into slavery, mankind is only worthy of disgust. I doubt they would treat you well

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The Left is crying wolf. But remember how the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf ended: the wolf finally came.

The first order effects from CO2 buildup are far less than what the fear mongers are claiming. And the effect is logarithmic. Not only that, human emitted CO2 has been beneficial to date. Another ice age is a Bad Thing.

But given that China and India have joined the industrial world, and that we have learned to tap far more fossil fuels than was believed possible half a century ago, we do have a potential problem long term. No reason to panic; but a good reason to either build nuclear power plants and research better solar cells for those parts of the world that aren't ready for nuclear power.

See the link for the full argument.

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I've got no argument against nuclear; I think we should be pursuing it for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the invisible carbon boogieman.

It is, however, extremely notable that the carbon cult refuses to consider nuclear. I've heard the argument that this is because public opinion is so set against it, due to e.g. Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc. Which is nonsense. The carbon cultists are NPCs who will believe whatever they're told to believe in the latest firmware update. if the power structure wanted to pursue nuclear, they'd have the cult shouting for it within months.

That they don't tells us that none of this has anything to do with the environment.

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Bill Gates is investing in next generation nuclear power. Like him or hate him, Bill Gates is math literate.

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May 1, 2023Liked by John Carter

You forgot or are ignoring the effects from deforestation.

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Me? Not at all. Deforestation, topsoil depletion, etc., are huge problems.

You know who doesn't talk about deforestation? Carbon cultists, for whom the only importance of forests is as a reservoir for carbon dioxide. In general the carbon cult has meant that the environmental movement has been efficiently redirected from a very large number of quite severe and pressing issues, to one over-arching non-issue.

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May 2, 2023Liked by John Carter

The neo-azteca don't care about plastic pollution either... gee I wonder why

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Those who sucked into the planet will carbon emission fry do deny there are many other influences is the absolute truth. I've been at this for decades on social media.

Liberals are even harder to try to convince the elimination of climax forests is the leading cause, than it is to convince conservatives humans do effect the climate. Big bad binary pinheads!

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Bingo! And some environmentalists get it. See the movie "Planet of the Humans."

We can be greener than Gore.

We can use the eco allies to do something about the gay frogs while we are at it.

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None of which requires that we buy into the framing of the Climate Crisis.

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"I could say -- indeed, I did say -- that we should offer a reasonable solution to global warming for purely political expediency. The amount of propaganda pushing the global warming narrative dwarfs the budget of any conceivable political campaign by a few orders of magnitude. To match the propaganda effort, we would have to buy all the legacy television networks, news magazines, major newspapers, and satellite and cable TV providers. We would have to build a few hundred new universities, including some high dollar universities of Ivy League quality. We would have to either defund PBS or somehow take it over. Every red state would need to add global warming deprogramming sessions to the requirements for public teacher recertification.

And even if we did somehow do all these things, it would still take generations to offset the effects of already consumed propaganda -- by which time we might start seeing some noticeable effects of global warming."

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