I'm gonna preface this piece with the giant caveat emptor that I am not a military analyst, a geopolitical strategist, a political economist, or even much of an armchair warlord. I know a bit more than the average guy, I think, but there's a lot of specifics I don't know. I'm not remotely a subject-matter expert on any of the topics I'm about to touch on, may well get some stuff wrong (in which case please correct me in the comments), and with all of that out of the way:
I just don't see how the Globalist American Empire can win World War III.
And I've got a lot of reasons for thinking that.
The most obvious reason more conventionally minded people would think that there's no question that America would inevitably win such a conflict is that America is the global hyperpower, with a military budget that dwarfs the combined spending of the rest of the world combined. America's got, what, a dozen carrier groups? Nuclear submarines that can go around the world twice without surfacing. Boomers (the subs, not the generation) equipped with nuclear warheads that can wipe out entire coastlines in minutes. Bases everywhere, and the ability to project force from all of them. Surveillance satellites covering the globe that can measure your dick size when you're drunkenly de-beering behind the bar and foolishly think no one is watching. Fleets of Predator drones that can rain Hellfire missiles down from their invisible loiters in the clouds and absolutely ruin your cousin's wedding day.
Which is all very impressive on the surface. Certainly no one out there wants to pick a fight with that, any more than the Delian League was especially enthusiastic about going to war with the combined might of Asia gathered under Xerxes' banners. My argument here is not that a direct confrontation between great powers would not result in vast devastation. It undoubtedly would.
My contention is simply that whoever emerges victorious from the radioactive rubble, it will not be Washington.
Let's start with the terrible edifice of the GAE war machine. At the risk of being accused of lazily falling back on 'every war is World War II', we've seen a very similar situation to this before. At the outset of the war, Germany's military was larger, better trained, and far more technically sophisticated than any of their competitors. Not only was their kit superior in every way, but they'd adapted their war-fighting doctrines to account for the advances in military technology that had taken place between the Great War to End All Wars (hah) and their contemporary conflict.
Germany had one big problem, though: they didn't have much in the way of natural resources, nor did they have much in the way of an industrial base. Sure, they had factories, obviously, but it was simply nothing compared to the overpowering productive capacity of the United States. Once American factories were converted from making Model Ts to churning out Shermans by the baker's dozen, it was all over but the mass raping. In fact, just the Lend Lease program with the USSR was enough to seal the deal. It didn't matter that German tanks, aircraft, rifles, and so on were superior in every way to the crap America shat out. The US buried the Reich with sheer mass of stuff.
I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. Over the last several decades America's industrial base has rusted out, becoming a wide swath of graffitied devastation that produces nothing but environmental blight and opiod addiction. The country relies entirely on imported goods, and this is almost certainly true for enough of the critical inputs for the maintenance and replenishment of munitions that a supply chain busted up by global hostilities would almost certainly result in crippling shortages of essential components.
Reliance on an over-extended supply chain might not be a big deal, except that it is almost certain that one of the powers with which the GAE would find itself in contention is precisely that power from which it obtains essentially all of its electronics: China. Sure, China doesn't control all of the electronics manufacturing. Most of the semiconductors come from Taiwan. Which would be the first piece of territory the PRC would snatch once things go kinetic.
So, pretty soon out of the gate, we have a war machine that's going to be scrambling for replacement parts and unable to replace equipment lost in battle. That makes for a war of material attrition that can only end one way.
It gets so much worse, however.
One way in which the GAE and Nazi Germany differ profoundly is in their respective attitudes to their indigenous populations. The racial doctrines of the NSDAP led to their adopting policies that built up the moral, spiritual, and physical health of the population. They spent a decade making sure Germans ate right, exercised, and indoctrinated with a love of people and country. They deliberately cultivated assabiyah.
That's more or less the polar opposite of the strategy pursued by the GAE's catamite occupation government, who hold their populace in hatred and contempt and can't be bothered to hide it. Americans have been extensively poisoned with toxic foodstuffs, about a tenth of the population are on a cocktail of prescription psychiatric medications, while potent recreational drugs - fentanyl, methamphetamine, and everyone's dear old schizophrenia-inducing, testosterone-reducing, apathy-inducing, mind-frying college buddy pot - have been allowed and even encouraged to run rampant. The average American isn't just fat but obese, and half-mad and depression besides.
Meanwhile, any sense of assabiyah in the West is a distant memory, thanks to decades of divide et impera strategies that have leveraged mass immigration to corrode social connectivity, at the same time that divisions have been accentuated or invented between men and women, whites and blacks, straights and gays, Christians and Muslims, and so on and endlessly on. Add to that the deep fracture of the Cultural Gotterdammerung that has split the native white population into mutually hostile factions, at odds over everything due to irreconcilable views on climate change, abortion, race, "gender", etc. ... indeed so implacably hostile that, the moment a novel issue presents itself to public attention, the one thing that can be predicted with utter certainty is that the two camps will immediately take opposite sides on it1.
So the GAE would be entering the war with a military that it wouldn't be easily able to repair, and with a sickly, mentally unwell, and divided populace.
The contempt with which the monied managerial midwits hold the poors has lately become absolutely impossible for anyone save the wilfully blind to ignore. For a long time now the white working class has been subjected to continuous lecturing over its moral shortcomings. They are considered backwards, bigoted racists, descended from slave-holders, living on land stolen from genocided Indians, animated by hatred of the racial other, cowering from phobias of men who like men and men who like to wear dresses, clinging pathetically to the fairy tales of their Bible and their sad belief in the magic sky fairy, and if they are unlucky enough to have been born with a penis their every expression of a masculine impulse is savagely mocked as toxic and retrograde, evidence that they want to rape every poor defenseless woman they glance at (that and they're probably gay).
A few years ago these people peaceably revolted, electing to power a reality TV star they dropped on DC like a bunker buster, hoping the chaos he would cause would bring down their oppressors or, failing that, provide some entertainment at their expense2.
In response, the drooling class simply stole the subsequent presidential election. They did it in broad daylight, in front of everyone, in the most obvious fashion possible, and then brazenly denied that they had done so. It was like a kid with his hands in the cookie jar, chin covered in crumbs, staring you in the eyes and saying, "What cookie?" When the outraged we-the-people pressed the issue, examples were made. Political prisoners were taken, and a hundred million people woke up to discover that overnight they had been promoted from sexist-racist-bigot to white supremacist insurgent terrorist.
The GAE managed to retain control of the levers of government, but at the cost of alienating the citizenry, who no longer see the regime as possessing a shred legitimacy.
And the regime thinks that these people will volunteer to fight for them? What, exactly, is their line of persuasion to be? "We've called you hateful racists for your entire lives, we've spat on your ancestors' graves, torn down your statues, and done everything in our power to make you miserable and humiliated. We locked you in your homes for two years and forced you to take poisonous jabs for reasons you all know is bullshit. Your country calls you!"
One might argue that the American people have been pissed off at their elites in the past (just look at the 30s), and that this has never been a problem that couldn't be solved with a judicious false flag attack ("Remember the Maine!") or by baiting an opponent into turning American military assets into a conveniently sacrificial lamb ("A day that shall live in infamy!") And sure, I can't rule out that the regime might, say, nuke a small American city and blame it on Ivan, and I can't say that it won't work.
Only ... I'm not so sure it would.
The cloud people face something they've never really had to deal with in the past: a robust online ecosystem of reflexive skeptics and conspiracy theorists whose first impulse in such an event is to dive in looking for absolutely anything that doesn't match the narrative, and then to disseminate those inconsistencies as widely as possible. We're onto their tricks, and there are a lot of us. The moment that nuke goes off, the swarm of weaponized autists would go into overdrive, every available shred of data would be aggressively scoured for clues, and within hours information would be spreading through the archipelagos of Twitter, Telegram, Signal, Substack, Bitchute, Odyssey, Rumble, and so on. My guess would be that the counter-narratives would be dissolving the Official Narrative within days. The regime knows this, and they also know that nuking a city or something similarly war-inducing isn't something you can slink away from by changing the topic. Getting caught red-handed slaughtering your own citizenry en masse is how you get them to throw you all a rope party.
For evidence of this, I'll just point to the Ukraine. The GAE has been throwing atrocity propaganda at Russia throughout. Civilian massacres, attacks on nuclear plants, chemical warfare, and so on and so forth, and none of it has stuck. Sure, it's stuck with the NPCs, but it's rolled right off the backs of enough people to prevent the critical mass for war fever mass formation. It was very similar with the endless attempts to claim that Assad had gassed his people: no one who cared enough to pay attention to the conflict believed them, and they weren't able to manufacture the necessary collective outrage to justify the war they wanted.
In fact, they don't seem to have been successful with false flags since 9/11. When was the last time you saw someone get angry when hearing '9/11 was an inside job'? Exactly. We all just take it for granted now that at least half of the populace assumes that it's true they way they assume water is wet. It isn't even really all that controversial anymore.
The epidemic social, psychological, and physical pathologies that have been inflicted on the captive American populace aren't just a problem in terms of motivating them to fight. It's also absolutely destroyed the quality of human capital available to the war machine. The Pentagon has been complaining for years now that it's been having trouble meeting recruitment goals, and that's in peace time (with the the small exception of the extended live fire exercise that was the War on Terror). The primary issue is that burgers are so fat and weak that most of them can't make the cut for machine-gun fodder.
The military has responded by lowering training standards. Don't let the barely acceptable be the enemy of the mediocre and all that. That's also been driven by ideological concerns. It turns out that, no, we're not all alike, and the female of the species really isn't set up physically for the rigours of combat. Nor, for that matter, are the various sub-species of H. sapiens sapiens intellectually or temperamentally interchangeable. None of which matters to the zampolit, whose cadres of DIE commissars demand equal representation throughout the forces - and if standards have to be reduced to make sure the necessary quantity of The Diversity passes, indeed if The Diversity must be physically carried across the finish line by their instructors, then so be it, bigot.
This has resulted in all sorts of fun, such as female captains colliding with other ships, catastrophic fires breaking out on ships because no one knows how to put them out, female pilots crashing on aircraft carriers, and in one incident an entire crew breaking out in freaking tears when they were briefly captured by the Iranians. Most of these incidents seem to occur in the navy, which also happens to be the most left-leaning of the military branches, and probably not coincidentally the most air-conditioned, comfortable, and urban. For a thallasocracy such as America, that's kind of a problem, because the navy is by definition the backbone of such an empire.
As an aside, it turns out that females acquire PTSD much more rapidly than males do in war zones. This isn't terribly surprising when you think about it. Given that males were equipped by evolution or God with the necessary physique for combat, it only makes sense that the necessary emotional tools would also be provided; and likewise, that women would not be born with these natural psychological defenses. What are the military implications of an army in which a considerable fraction of the soldiers aren't only physically unsuited to combat, not only poorly trained for it, but break down completely within days of exposure to the horrors of war? "Sorry Captain we can't advance, our gunner is having a cry in the foxhole."
Beyond even the self-imposed limitations on mobilizing the population for war, the anti-racist ideology that animates the GAE is a major source of weakness in another very obvious respect. During WWII, it was standard practice for all countries to round up citizens whose nationalities (in the original, biological sense of the word) originated in enemy states, and put them in camps. This strikes the soft modern mind as unnecessary, cruel, even criminal. After all, surely the overwhelming majority of Japanese-Americans were as American as anyone else? Blood, however, is very often thicker than the ink on citizenship cards, and old loyalties can remain strong down through the generations. Even if 99 out of 100 Japanese-Americans were loyal to the Stars and Stripes, it only takes one in the right position to inflict catastrophic damage on the war effort by leaking intelligence to the other side, or sabotaging crucial equipment at exactly the wrong time.
That simply wouldn't be an option now. It would be hatred for the colour of the skin or, more relevant to the probable belligerents in the conflict, the epicanthic folds of the eyes. The corporate and academic bureaucracies of America are full of Chinese ethnics, with a particularly heavy presence in the STEM fields. Industrial espionage on an industrial scale is already widely known to be a simple fact of life. Imagine trying to maintain anything like operational security in this situation. America's R&D infrastructure already leaks like a sieve, and that's with the primary motivator being cash rather than blood loyalty in time of war - and the latter is a strong motivator for the infamously clannish Han. Good luck trying to retain a technological advantage.
You'll note that the Chinese have no such problems. There are comparatively very, very few westerners living and working in China, especially in sensitive components of their national security infrastructure. And does anyone harbour illusions about whether the Chinese would have a moment's hesitation rounding up the guilos when war breaks out?
That brings us to research, development, and procurement. America has long prided itself on having the most technologically sophisticated military on the planet, with equipment years if not decades ahead of its competitors. That's easy enough when your opponents are iron age tribesmen equipped with AK-47s and goats, which is about the only enemy America has faced in decades (notably, they can't beat even them). It's a whole other thing when your opponents are established industrial powers that are world leaders in materials science, aerospace engineering, and information technology.
It seems to me that the GAE's military-industrial-critical-race-theory complex has gotten rather comfortable in its position of unchallenged world-straddling hyperpower, and that this has had downstream impacts on its ability to allocate its R&D resources in the most effective means possible. For evidence, look no further than the fantastically expensive yet still buggy as all hell F-35. It looks good on paper, but it has taken absurdly longer than expected to develop, went fantastically over-budget, and what's worse, it's very much a weapon system designed with the Cold War in mind. From the outside looking in, it doesn't seem like anyone involved was terribly concerned over whether the F-35 was the best possible use of scarce resources. The important question was: will this make money for defense contractors? And at that, the program was an unqualified triumph.
Countries with more restricted military budgets cannot afford to be so profligate. Take Russia, which has invested its comparatively scant resources into developing, and successfully deploying, a wide array of game-changing technologies. They've got strategic systems such as hypersonic missiles that are effectively impossible to intercept. They've got tactical anti-air and anti-ship systems that turn F-35s and aircraft carriers into expensive target practice. They've incorporated electronic warfare into their platoon-level tactics. In other words, they intelligently assessed where their limited funding would make the largest impact, and then they got the job done.

Not that the US hasn't developed some terrifying next generation warfare capabilities, such as platoons equipped with switchblade drones and other loitering munitions. However, all of that remains firmly stuck in beta testing, and isn't expected to be ready for prime time until 2030 ... which, since everything in Red Tape America takes longer and costs more, in practice means 2040 or, you know, never. It's truly remarkable how expensive and slow things get when the majority of the budget gets sucked out by proliferating varieties of elaborate legalized grifts that insert their blood funnels at every step of the process (a percentage for the insurance company, a cut for the energy regulator, a piece of the pie for the environmental assessment, the necessary tithe to the diversity consultant....)
Of course, it's possible that the US might accelerate development of next-gen miltech under the pressure of armed conflict. Only ... how effective will that be, if one of the parties of that conflict has made it impossible to source the components you need to field those fancy new devices in quantities that make a strategic difference? That starts to look like Germany in the final days of WWII: fielding a small number of extraordinarily advanced weapons systems such as the Messerschmitt 242, which easily out-flew anything else in the sky but were made too little, too late, and too few to do more than postpone the inevitable.
The economy is of course going to be another big factor. We've all watched as the Russian economy, grounded in real production of real material goods that real people need for their real lives, effortlessly bounced back from the financial deplatforming at the outset of the war. The ruble is now back to pre-war values. Russia is essentially an autarky in terms of the essentials (food, energy, raw materials), and anything it can't manufacture itself it simply buys from China in exchange for energy and food.
As noted above, the US no longer really makes anything (aside from debt and insipid and increasingly unpopular entertainments). Everything in the US that actually makes money is hypothecated, virtualized, abstracted - financial schemes, 'data science', app development, marketing, media ... an imaginary economy built of dreams and fueled by nightmares. America's fake money is already poised on the edge of hyperinflation. Shortages are already proliferating through the supply chain. Much of the population is already strung out on debt, living paycheck to paycheck (or welfare payment to disability payment), nervously watching as housing and food relentlessly tick upwards. How much stress can the American economy take? What happens when the Federal Reserve Note, already at some fraction of a percent of the value it had when it was hatched on Jeckyll Island, loses its status as global reserve currency and the 90% of the dollar money supply circulating overseas comes flooding back to American shores?
And finally, there's that crucial element in any war: diplomacy. Your friends count just as much as your enemies.
The opponents of the GAE are Russia, China, Iran, and very likely India, together with a smattering of smaller countries that frankly don't matter much. Russia and China are individually formidable, to say nothing of how dangerous they will prove in alliance.
Who are the GAE's friends?
The anglosphere, obviously, of whom the only country that matters is Great Britain ... an exhausted, demoralized country in its own right, surviving on memories and the financial schemes of the City.
Western Europe is firmly under America's thumb, but with the exception of France none of them have any military to speak of, nor are they going to develop them any time soon. France retains an impressive force projection capability, in fact second only to America's, but France suffers from the same maladies as America: a hollowed out industrial base, a population divided against itself, a government that is widely despised and considered illegitimate. As an ally France offers little beyond a minor addition in military force, and will likely prove every bit as brittle as America.
In Asia, Japan and South Korea are American satrapies. Both have considerable manufacturing, but little natural resources, meaning their factories would be of no use in the event of a Chinese blockade. South Korea is well armed, but WWIII would likely mean their military would be fully engaged with the Northern neighbor and of little use in the wider conflict. Japan is almost defenseless (although they might well surprise the world with how quickly they could develop a military, if taken off the leash).
That leaves Latin America, where essentially every country is dominated by America to one degree or another, and where the gringos are more or less universally hated after a century of dirty tricks. Latin America is militarily and industrially useless. About all it offers is natural resources. On the other hand, it would be genuinely shocking if the outbreak of global hostilities did not lead to immediate destabilization of those countries - never terribly stable to begin with - as various national liberation movements saw their chance to break free of the GAE yoke. Maintaining economic domination of Latin America would likely prove to be nothing more than an additional headache for the GAE in this scenario, a net problem rather than a net asset.
So there you have it. That's my assessment, as a proud non-expert, of America's global strategic situation on the edge of a great power war. The GAE has no friends that matter in a fight. Its own population is sick in mind and body, and have been deliberately sickened so as to make them easier to control. It has no social capital to call upon. Its economy is faltering. Its leadership is sclerotic, corrupt, illegitimate, and despised. Its expensive military is unlikely to be able to maintain itself (indeed, from what I've read, this is already a problem), it has squandered resources on expensive white elephants of little military value against a peer competitor, and its training standards are in the gutter thanks to the same ideological madness that's ruined everything else in the decaying compost pile of Western society.
Once the shooting starts, it's really only a matter of time.
Our leaders would have to be some unholy combination of deluded and retarded to provoke a conflict, which is precisely why they're doing so.
I'll admit that Epstein Didn't Kill Himself was an entirely unexpected exception to this general rule, but we've not seen a repeat since, so.
We got our money's worth on the latter.
This retired lieutenant commander agrees with you.
A war would hurt lots of people, so I can't wish that. But one thing a war would bring is the toppling of our governmental system, and that I can only welcome.
Americans already lost the war a long time ago.
They have been poisoned by the medical/military/ag industrial complex for 7 decades. (My late husband and mother are two of the victims.) My grandparents raised my mother a mile downstream from what is one of the most polluted military bases (Griffiss). Good thing she had me at 20 because she wouldn’t have had any kids after age 25.
Covid vaccines are just getting the final solution 4 decades later to what was started long ago. And the list of misfits you rattle off are the victims too.
When “nations” fight, only the people lose. When you have societies larger than a few hundred, psychopaths rise to the top like turfs in a toilet bowl. In a society of billions, it’s much worse.
This is the logical endpoint of a degree of centralized power the human race has never seen.
At least I’m close enough to DC that I might get completely wiped off the map if it does happen. Not sure I’d want to live in the places “in between.”