This retired lieutenant commander agrees with you.

A war would hurt lots of people, so I can't wish that. But one thing a war would bring is the toppling of our governmental system, and that I can only welcome.

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Oh indeed. There's no way the Washington regime could survive the combination of economic collapse and national humiliation that would accompany such a war.

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It may be the only way.

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Great older piece that I had not read. It’s definitely still just as accurate. This recent dust up with the H1B’s is very frustrating to me. I know we are being worked John. It’s akin to sabotage. The part that is upsetting is that the white working class you speak of should know the game by now. Instead they are falling for it unfortunately.

We have they dirty mother fuckers on the ropes. I can taste the sweet smell of victory; at least I did. And now we have fractured ourselves down the middle in about one week’s time. I am beginning to think maybe it is best if Js do control our world smh.

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See the piece I just published. I don’t think this was a fracture at all. It was a robust, healthy debate. Which we won.

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Unless they lose their minds completely, they will avoid a direct conflict with Russia and China.

US Forces, as with Britain's, were mostly directed at inferior third world states.

Considered here . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/long-proxy-war-vii-crisis-of-failure

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WE have no government

What we have is predators, derelicts who took the oath as mere formality

When I took it, I meant every word of it

I am ashamed of what is now not only government but military

I am a former Navy line officer having served throughout Vietnam + and am a Navy


We were stationed in Taipei in early 60s

Dad was preventive medicine officer attached to

Hdqtrs Support Activity

He had a lot of dealing with the Chinese and declared 'They are still the same LIARS and

THIEVES that they were when I was in Shanghai"

(He was embedded with the China Marines in the late 30s when he began

his career as a Navy Corpsman)

He also warned 'While they resurrect Japan of the '30s in Asia their eyes remained

firmly fixed across the Pacific"

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Exactly. Making something that was a sacred oath into a mere.formality.. Exactly like how the safe guards put into the constitution to prevent obvious election fraud from going forward was turned into a formality by the coward Mike Pence.

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This retired lieutenant colonel finds NOTHING much in your monograph with which to disagree. And the sad part of it all is that we can't stop this runaway train. We have to ride it to its inevitable conclusion, which will be WW-III by 2026 and ultimately dissolution of the USA by 2033. One can only hope that there will be no shortage of gallows for the perpetrators.

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A sad truth...

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Americans already lost the war a long time ago.

They have been poisoned by the medical/military/ag industrial complex for 7 decades. (My late husband and mother are two of the victims.) My grandparents raised my mother a mile downstream from what is one of the most polluted military bases (Griffiss). Good thing she had me at 20 because she wouldn’t have had any kids after age 25.

Covid vaccines are just getting the final solution 4 decades later to what was started long ago. And the list of misfits you rattle off are the victims too.

When “nations” fight, only the people lose. When you have societies larger than a few hundred, psychopaths rise to the top like turfs in a toilet bowl. In a society of billions, it’s much worse.

This is the logical endpoint of a degree of centralized power the human race has never seen.

At least I’m close enough to DC that I might get completely wiped off the map if it does happen. Not sure I’d want to live in the places “in between.”

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Agreed. The American population has been subjected to decades of biochemical and psychological warfare. How do you conquer a heavily armed, fiercely independent, wealthy country? Destroy their health, make them fat and stupid, and convince them they're evil and so shouldn't even bother defending themselves.

The downside of course being that if you find yourself in armed contention with foreign powers, your domestic population will be very ineffective soldiers. But psychopaths don't care about that.

And speaking of psychopaths, are you familiar with the principles of political ponerology?

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"are you familiar with the principles of political ponerology?"

Explicitly, not until you mentioned it. Implicitly? Yes. It's something I've noticed since grade school.

I've distrusted and pushed back against illegitimate authority my entire life and of course the general theme has been fleshed out by many philosophers and intellectuals in the libertarian world, for a long time. I started reading that stuff decades ago but after awhile it's all just depressing variations on a theme so after being immersed in libertarian and Objectivist circles for a couple of decades, the endless doom mongering and pessimism got to me. It's not that I disagree with their assessment, it's that there is no action after the correct intellectual assessments.

At some stage, one must move forward toward solutions. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

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Totally agree. Critiquing without solving is just whining.

The interesting thing about ponerology is that, in principle, it doesn't just point to the problem - characteropaths taking power - but describes the psychosocial mechanisms enabling this, and suggests interventions that can interrupt the process. The goal is basically medical: to provide a diagnosis accompanied by treatment (if not a cure; the problem is perennial and the disease therefore chronic), and to do so without requiring that a specific ideology be adopted.

An interesting dynamic I've noticed when introducing this concept to people is how polarizing it is. Many react as you did: "Yes, obviously!" But many others react as a vampire presented with a crucifix, which is ... revealing.

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Hah! How fascinating. Most people aren't psychopaths of course. But too many are naive would-be cult members, and I'm sure those are the ones who react with horror.

We definitely need interventions. In small tribal societies that are small enough to account for the actions of each member, a leader quietly decides to take care of such individuals no later than their late teens and they get pushed off an iceberg when no one is looking.

It would certainly be nice if we had a more humane and honest solution that would isolate the Hillary Clintons, Jacinda Arderns, and Joe Bidens of the world without having to string them up to lamppposts (cathartic though it would be), because we keep doing that over and over for the last 10k years and it's not really an answer to anything. We just keep repeating the same cycles over and over again and it's so tiresome. During "peacetime" they carry out immense destruction in the middle to late stages of the kleptocracy, as we are now experiencing.

The thing that scares me is that power has undergone increasing centralization for the last 10k years, of course with long intervening periods of "civilizational" decay and "anarchy." Transitioning to a world government that could somehow hold onto power for the rest of our lifetimes before its inevitable collapse would be terrifying.

These intervening periods of relative human freedom exist after things collapse, but it would be nice if we could balance the benefits of settlement and civilization and industry with that of self-governance or legitimate moral authority that tends to get abandoned when societies get too large.

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Centralization and decentralization are really more cyclical I think. You get the latter during collapse periods, but also on frontiers; there are also certain cultures (ancient Greece) that maintain high levels of decentralization at the same time that more centralized states (Persia) exist. Technology, in particular weapons technology, seems to play an important role.

Simply euthanizing sociopaths as teenagers isn't likely to be broadly acceptable, much as it might solve the problem. One idea I've had is that modern psychiatry and neuroscience could be deployed as a barrier against such people taking high office. Simply make it a requirement for candidates to prove that they are psychologically fit for the position by submitting to the necessary tests. It won't catch them all, but it would probably catch enough to make a real difference. Were awareness of the sociopath problem at high levels to spread, it would be an extremely difficult measure to argue against.

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>>> "Simply make it a requirement for candidates to prove that they are psychologically fit for the position by submitting to the necessary tests."

The 'necessary test' is a single question: "Are you interested in a career in politics?".

If yes... straight to the guillotine.

It's unpleasant, but it is what it is (as we are now supposed to say).

The last phrase in the not-famous-enough quotation from Alain[1] goes: LES PIRES GOUVERNERONT. The worst will (seek to) rule.

Always and everywhere: no exceptions.

As a potential mechanism to transitioning to a 'subscription' model (no coercive taxation -> no ability to generate runaway debt, or to fund corrupt vanity projects), I am prepared to countenance Sortition - where individuals are dragooned at random from the adult population and allocated to political office.

That will give the political class 'average' intelligence (i.e., a drop of 0.7σ relative to current), but also average sociopathy, megalomania, narcissism and corruption (a 99% reduction from current levels).

Sortition would also completely eliminate the ability of oligarchs to suborn the political class, because they would have to bribe every officeholder individually - as opposed to bribing political parties (which are machines that allocate 'viable candidature') - and so the ROI on bribes would fal by ~90% and most oligarch projects would not pass their ROI hurdle.

[1] The full quotation - one of my favourites - is:

>>> "Car enfin le trait le plus visible dans l'homme juste est de ne point vouloir du tout gouverner les autres, et de se gouverner seulement lui-même. Cela décide tout. Autant dire que les pires gouverneront." <<<

"Because in the end, the most visible characteristic of the just man is to have no desire whatsoever to rule others, but only to govern himself. That decides everything. You may was well say that the worst will rule."

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we cannot be tired, we were only born this decade, we were taught to walk in line, wait our turn, say please, and these are not the characteristics that will save this republic. the charachteristics are absent in our society, they were 'trained' out of us in govt school to be young passafists. any scholar of edgar rice burroughs can plainly see the cowardice sometimes, the fear often, and the hope intermingled that someone, someone else please stop the bad guys

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One solution is to get in the minds of most the idea of horizontal governing. As long as we continue with vertical, the same happens over and over, the corruption of governance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8&t=10s

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“…it’s that there is no action after the correct intellectual assessments.” This is right on!

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The AA model fits well, first step is to admit you have a problem; Then you find solutions to the problem our problem is identifying the the enemy; Then of course taking the enemy out;


The problem is that majority of USA people are now fat&dumb, and don't even admit the problem;

The problem is NSA/deep-state was compromised +70 years ago, and now they run deep to county level all across the USA;

Even in the 1980's both sides demoRat&RINO that I know at the statehouse level called for burning it all down and rebuild;


70 years is +3 generations of welfarism, its broken it cannot be fixed; Even in 1776 Revolution less than 3% of men participated, most were too busy living day to day;


The civil-war USA 3.0 is coming no doubt, and soon the best place to survive is not to be there, perhaps post 2030 if the assholes (WEF/NWO) don't win, then the USA can be re-built, if the assholes win, then the USA is just a footnote in history.


Know thy Enemy


This post explains where we are at, and where they plan on taking us; It's not a slam-dunk because if the US-Dollar dies before they 'win', then they lose, and the rebuild begins; On the other hand if the new owners win, with their oil money, and chinese-money, then they can rebuild the USA & put all the anglo's into reservations, which is why you don't want to be there if they win;

IMHO CIA pivoted to CHINA some +30 years ago, knowing that the US-Dollar wil fail, and just being paid merc's aka world-policeman they see China as having 'good money' in the future;

CHINA&SAUDI can only occupy the USA, if the ZOG-NWO is able to cull 90% of the human population in USA by 2025, as planned ( Deagel Report - JC Deagel Rockefeller Planner 1950's )

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The foreigners running the GAE are gunna be ousted by other more foreign foreigners. Can't escape that biblical curse about who rules the nation bathed in iniquity, it's fractal.

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Much of this is exaggeration. Yes, our working classes are angry, with reason. Yes, our industrial base has declined. Yes, our military declined along with that.

We still have considerable natural resources within our own borders. We still have some production facilities, albeit far less than before, that can still be ramped up or converted into munitions makers. We're even "reshoring" chip and semiconductor production - lately a very low margin, low profit sector - to have some degree of self reliance. People are gradually seeing the Green Leap Forward and Build Back Bupkis for what they are - legalized grift, with a side helping of hyperinflation.

Our yeomanry are down, but not out. Our young men can go on diets and hit the gym (and frequently do, to attract young women). Lots of them can or will find both of them dangling down there, and sack up. Our military and political leaders, or at least some of them, were smacked with a heavy dose of realism last November. Our financial sector was largely horrified by both the Hamas attacks in 2023, and by the radically leftist celebrations on rich kid campuses. DEI, CRT, and other horrible ideas have been rejected by at least 50% of the country.

We are indeed divided by thoughtless immigration policies, radical ideologues, and a vanishing middle class. That's true.

But we still have a very fearsome military, a fairly productive citizenry, all things considered, and strong influence over the world economy.

And I don't think it would take all that much to unite us. A real attack from a malevolent opponent that's truly threatening would likely do the trick. 60% of the country is still white, and another 15% or so are developing a strong dislike for their former patrons.

Our enemies are far poorer, often just as sick and enfeebled, or even moreso (check out China's cancer rates, and birth rates, or Russian life expectancy), and frequently dumber. Those iron age tribesmen with AKs chased Russia out of Syria, for example, and China now has double digit unemployment, millions of men with no hope of ever finding wives or girlfriends, and pollution levels that make Philly look healthy and clean. Much of their technology is copied or stolen, as their reflexive conformity and obedience prevents innovation, strangles creativity, and keeps them fearful and naive. They are, as a nation, brainwashed and enslaved.

All isn't lost. We are stronger than we think, and our opponents have serious issues of their own.

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What then? We no longer have the moral fiber to replace it with something better.

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Methinks, Dr. Hughes, that the Western Liberal Leadership Class are not psychopaths and are, by and large, on the normal spectrum. Just like most mass killers are on the normal spectrum.

All the Los Alamos nuclear weapons physicists were and are regular people who go home to their families. The disconnect between effort and outcome is truly magical. The level of unconscious repression entirely engineered.

These matters and others are variously examined here . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/


The Human Race - In evolutionary terms about 100,000 years overdue for extinction.

We will not be missed. Many other species will do better.

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Great analysis, and I'm no expert in any of this either, but observing from the other side of the planet it does seem America is now crippled with an autoimmune disorder affecting the brain and the body and a serious case of dissociative identity disorder - She has fallen so far.

And if Hollywood makes one more movie where the President of the United States is hailed as the "leader of the free world" I'm going to puke and know for certain the USA is also completely delusional.

This is not only tragic for the USA but frighteningly dangerous for a country like Australia in a global conflict... I should have learnt Chinese in high school!

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The west now identifies as the free world in the same manner that a eunuch in a wig identifies as a woman.

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I'm not sure what America's strategy is in Ukraine/WWIII. I'm not sure our leaders even have one; maybe they're just winging it.

I mean, do they expect they're gonna nuke Russia and then yell "no backsies"?

Do they intend to put boots on ground with their BIPOC transgendered army and liberate Ukraine in a conventional war?

Just what is the strategy?!?

I think they're just improvising, taking it day by day, and doing what America does best: throw fake greenbacks at the problem and hope for the best. Money printer go brrr.

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Our so-called leaders are feckless mediocrities whose only talent is fraud. I'm quite certain they haven't the slightest clue what they're doing.

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I would agree wholeheartedly. Maybe they are setting the stage for a new version of Vichy gov't, where our enemies (most likely the CCP) are in charge and all us "domestic terrorist types" are the new enemy. (Red Dawn meets the Last Ship).

(PS: Great read, I always learn so many new words!)

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That America's political class may be deliberately setting up the US for failure with an eye to clearing the way for an occupation regime is a plausible hypothesis imo.

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A possible viable explanation for much recent history. I hope you're wrong.

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Sort of a Vichy arrangement?

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I think this all the time... What do they actually believe will occur?! Do they believe it will not be equally as bad for them?! That they'll rule with China and Russia?! Do they not understand their enemies think they are as disgusting, immoral, and vile as we do and will annihilate them as soon as they win?! Brandon and his band of misfits believe they can sleep with the enemy and come out a winner?! Mind boggling! I'm with the lady who said she's close enough to DC that she hopes they'll be totally wiped out! I'm not bugging out etc! All I can imagine, which I haven't watched, is that stupid zombie show so many watched every week actually distraught when a favorite CHARACTER would die...constantly running and scrounging for food. No thanks. The only thing I disagree with in this article is the God reference. For me for over 45 years He's real. I feel it to my core. And let's say for kicks and giggles He isn't. What's wrong with me believing I should be kind, honest, and hard working, etc? If we die and go nowhere I'll be none the wiser. I won't ever regret believing the way I do. What ACTUALLY went wrong with the church along with everything else is what the Bible says...THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL IS THE LOVE OF MONEY! Churches quit preaching fire and brimstone because they believed only the good parts would draw money...I mean people in. I am definitely more scared of God's wrath than our enemies. I won't argue with anyone on my beliefs. I'm old and I won't change. Nor do I have a desire. There's nothing wrong with hope. When you have no hope a guaranteed big ZERO will be on the scoreboard.

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But like Mayor Montainge once quipped, “they must have excellent memory.”

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Right? Because the most capable leaders have little interest in having their entire existences examined under a microscope and put on the front pages of the NYT and Wapo.

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It's NOT America's strategy. It's the neocons' (of both parties) agenda: defeat Russia in a war and capture its natural resources, while simultaneously defaulting on sovereign debt there is no hope of ever being paid off. Let us hope these people are held to account when the dust settles on the former American empire.

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Good. What I would add is this. In regard to South America, Chinese consortiums have for over a decade been heavily involved and invested in mining copper and rare earth minerals. So we should not casually assume that the USA will have priority access to South American resources -- even though the supply chain from South to North is shorter and much more easier defended. The Chinese, in a matter of speaking, have already picked the low-hanging fruit.

What else? Worth paying a visit to Belt Road Research Platform, a joint collaboration between the Leiden Asia Centre, the Clingendael Institute, and the Leiden University Institute for Area @ Studies. https://www.beltroadresearch.com/

Why? China is the number 1, number 2, or number 3 trade partner for most nations in South America. Under the Monroe Doctrine, it might be our military sphere of influence -- and hence largely political in that sense. But it no longer is our economic sphere of influence : and this true even for the South American nations which currently use the US dollars as their currency.

What else? Whereas I am not quite entirely in agreement with your assessment of South Korea and Japan, let me point out that both nations are MUCH MUCH closer to China. The supply chain between the USA and Japan/South Korea during a potential WW3 would be a nightmare. If you sink a ship a kilometer or so away from the destination port, that's just as good if not better as sinking it half way across the world. If you trash the destination ports -- no unloading facilities, no fuel terminals -- then the ships can just que off-shore. Little good will come from that. Etc.

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Indeed, China is very active in Latin America; and the gringoes have done little to engender good will. That continent will prove more headache than helper in a great power war.

As to Japan, they have no love for the Chinese and would not likely ally with them. On the other hand, they have no natural resources, and not much in the way of a standing army. On the other other hand, their military has a lot more arms than soldiers, and is top heavy with officers. The idea I believe is that if necessary, they could draft a large number of men and have a very large army almost overnight, using the large officer cadre to whip the conscripts into shape.

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I’m certainly no expert on Japan myself, but given what little I know of their top-heavy population and sexless, hikikomori youth, it’s hard to imagine a bunch of aged officers recreating Imperial Japan out of the current populace.

I’d venture to say Japan’s young men are even more fragile and useless than America’s, where there is still a sizable subculture of masculinity in certain regions.

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This is possible, yes, although it may be that all the samurai manga and violent video games have planted the necessary ideational seeds in their minds for a rapid transformation under the right circumstances.

The population issue is certainly dire, but this affects every developed country to some degree.

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Belated follow-up. Crunched the most recent good data on China in South America (the investments and resource extraction) for whatever that is worth: https://americanexile.substack.com/p/buying-the-copper-mountain-was-only

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Yep. SA is contested space. Not the GAE back yard anymore.

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"draft a large army overnight and whip them into shape" .... Good luck with that. I sure wouldn't want to pin my country's survival on that idea.

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That's what the army of the Weimar republic was set up to do and why Germany was able to quickly rebuild its Army.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Japanese deliberately designed their post WWII size restricted military to replicate Germany's size restricted post WWI military.

Actually it would surprise me if they didn't "There are no coincidences".

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it was the Messerschmidt 262, not a 242. ME-262. here is a video of one of the rare sfill flying birds with their amazing BMW pure jets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKKGXeg7udE. i met an Eastern Airlines captain who flew one during the war…

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I knew I'd get at least one thing wrong!

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John, we had plenty of excellent hardware, the P-51, the best "arty" of the war by far, and logistics. Nobody could touch our logistics.

Remember the Red Ball Express, trucks running supplies non-stop to the troops, and nearly 100% black drivers, didn't have to worry about them being spies, what a bunch of heroes. And America's black drivers, all already knew how to drive!

Such an advantage. No other nation could have implemented such a obviously superior "security" system.

And you are right, we no longer have those advantages.

It was never really close, we had Studebakers, they had horses, which they had to eat.

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Sure. On the other hand, they had better tanks by far, better rifles, their own aircraft were nothing to sneeze at (especially once the Me-262 went live), and of course the V1 and V2 to which there was no answer. They also had far superior training.

The real game changer technology was sonar. Without that, the U-Boat fleet would have made the Atlantic convoys impossible.

I'm also surprised you didn't mention B-52s, which rekt German industry.

So far as land warfare went, though, the Germans were beaten by quantity, not quality.

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B-17s, but German fighter production increased every year, fuel was the problem, it had always been the problem. Long range fighters ended the game.

And radar, and innovation, and the semi-auto American rifles were far better than their Mauser bolt actions, but they based their squads on the MG42.

The V weapons had no real military capability, just a terror weapon.

They were so far behind in nuclear research the war could have never ended any other way.

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I don't disagree.

Note however, my argument didn't concern force composition or technological advantage at the end of the war, but at the beginning.

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Mr Carter - think you’lll find this interesting. Written by renowned Military Historian Max Hastings & published in the Wash Compost (of all places) but it’s spot on: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1985/05/05/their-wehrmacht-was-better-than-our-army/0b2cfe73-68f4-4bc3-a62d-7626f6382dbd/

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There is research to suggest that Germany made and used a bomb in the East. Unconfirmed. But there was a fission bomb test on tn island in the Baltic. Colonel Fletcher Prouty described in his book “The Secret Team” that he took a trip over Rostov-on-Don in ‘44 and described an unbelievable level of destruction in a place with only horse trails. He placed this narrative smack in the middle of a discussion of atomic strategy… Lastly, all the effort at Los Alamos was directed towards plutonium compression weapons. Records later showed that Savannah did not produce significant U235. So where did the U for Little Boy come from? There was a certain U Boat N° U235 that reportedly made a long trip across the Atlantic. See Reich of the Black Sun by Farrell for more.

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That uranium was added to the US bomb.

It wasn't enough by itself.

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in Joseph P. Farrell’s “reich of the black sun”, he notices that Fletcher Prouty described a trip past a place called Rostov on don, that had a scale of destruction that Prouty said was not to be believed. Farrell believes that the Nazis had the bomb and used them in the east, but had no way of delivering to the United States. that was the purpose for which they were building the Junkers 390. It is his view that the Germans came within six months of winning the war. It was a photo finish.

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Why couldn't you put it on a u-boat and sail it into NYC's harbor?

And the eastern front, even the bomb couldn't save them?

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No one knows what will happen, but I am sure nobody here (USA) is going to like WW3.

Excellent stack, the people are generally weak, at investor elite behest, and the opposition must know this intimately and the reason they are now pressing.

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Some of us know exactly what is planned, follow the money; Know their plans;


Lot's of people are now saying this will be civil-war 3.0, as last was 2.0, and 1776 was 1.0; Me thinks often missed is that Lincoln 'sold' wash-dc to London in 1871, because of 'war debt', when people miss that, they ignore the fact that since 1871, USA has just been another "East India Company" colony, now they call the company "CIA". Same shit as 1700's, and 1800's opium running in CHINA via India;

The point here is that there was never an 'revolution' that USA was begat in 1600's as a UK penal colony, and is now reverting back to same;


WW3 has already started long ago, as always will be fought in Europe, and quite possibly China-Sea; Hopefully Russia/CHINA will sink the US fleet long before the entire earth is burning; The NEO-CON ZOG of DC-London are on Sampson-Option, if they can't rule the earth, then destroy it;

So the only rational players left is businessmen in CHINA&RUSSIA who just want to do business, and not normalize pedophilia, which is the only thing that US-UK Elite care about;

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I'd discount the WWIII agit prop.

Designed to keep us frightened.

A few military actions to keep the geo-political backdrop simmering.

Major wars are unpredictable. Small skirmishes are manageable, or so they think.

These and other matters to aid a good night's sleep every night examined here . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/

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Would that you were right. I HOPE that you're right. But I doubt it. America and the EU need a war with Russia as an excuse for defaulting on their sovereign debt ($34 trillion in the US, maybe 2/3 that in the EU). It's been done in every major war, and because of the war confusion, the typical response always seems to be "Oh, well ..."

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One more thing, in 1941 we could ration oil and gasoline plus a host of other products. Try doing that now that people don’t dare live near an American urban area. After 9-11 Bush2 told Americans to go out and buy crap and go to Disneyland.

We are not a serious country nor are we anything resembling a cogent culture.

Good luck with your war dumbasses.

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Just finished reading the excellent biography of Adm Nimitz by EB Potter. As a Naval Academy grad, I learned lessons from the book that I should have learned as a Midshipman, but am only learning now late in life with the aid of more wisdom than I had then.

Anyone paying attention while reading Nimitz’s biography will

Understand the historical truth of your post. While Nimitz and a few of his closest senior staff were incredible officers and leaders, on the whole, the US Navy - at the beginning of the war - was no better than the Japanese in terms of

Leadership, tactics, and size of fleet.

The US prevailed because they out-built the Japanese after the war started and overwhelmed them with the numbers of new carriers, airplanes, cruisers, and destroyers. And, our significantly larger population provided the crews for the new war machines. Even with that advantage, the US battle commanders made serious and egregious errors, that against an evenly matched foe would have meant disaster.

We won the Pacific battle based on our industrial might, ability to train masses of new sailors quickly and well, and our own energy independence. Add in a little bit of divinely inspired luck in key battles.

As your post correctly and insightfully points out, none of these advantages will help us in WWIII. We don’t have them any longer. We are a hollowed out shell of a nation, more like the end days of the Roman Empire. Unfortunately, we are now a nation of pretenders - pretending not to know things that anyone with any logic and common sense can plainly see. We will keep whistling in the dark until it collapses and the remnant in the home of the brave can rebuild it.

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I was reminded of your excellent analysis when I heard this podcast about the USA/NATO efforts to steer us into World War III with Russia: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/battleground-america-40582/sure-looks-like-the-swamp-is-setting-up-ww3-1486492240

Looks like we'll be seeing your analysis proved right sooner rather than later. My God, these people are insane and so insanely stupid. It's like the captain of the Titanic ordering the ship to ram the iceberg at full speed.

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It almost makes me wonder if it's deliberate. Sabotage followed by controlled demolition.

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I wonder the same thing. But for them to pull it off and be positioned to stay on top of the ensuing cataclysm, their conspiracy would have to include Putin and Xi Jinping, and they would have to trust that Putin and Xinping would not double cross them once the American empire collapses; but if Russia and China hold all the cards once the dust settles, I doubt they'd have much use for America's Alphabet-Pride elites and would happily cut them loose and leave them to their fate, kinda like what happened to Qaddafi. On the other hand, the WEF goons in the West may just be so retardedly narcissistic and delusionally self-confident that they really do think they can legitimately take on both China and Russia simultaneously and win. Either way, I'd say there are strong odds that the American empire's collapse ends in a rope party for the American elites.

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Yeah that's the thing. Deliberate sabotage implies a vast and intricate conspiracy - it's far more likely that they really are as deluded by hubris as it seems. That's certainly happened previously in history.

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I don't know if you follow Niccolo Soldo's substack, Fisted by Foucault. He's had some good commentary on the USA vs Russia situation, especially wtih his analysis of Putin's worldview and agenda. His recent piece is pretty good and points to an insane level of hubris on the part of the US empire's neo-con elites: https://niccolo.substack.com/p/delusion

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Hell yeah I do. Great piece.

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Great article very thorough. I can't wish for war and death though and can't fathom why they seem hellbent in that direction. One hopes the nooses come out sooner rather than later...

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The assumption is the government is American. Perhaps Quisling was more representative of Norway than our bought hirelings are of the USA. I think war by elite capture to create the Global Totalitarian order is what we see. Biden was bribed. Clinton-both-hirelings as we know from missile tech sold to China and 20% of our Uranium sold to Russia. In elite capture the grifters rule the roost and ensure any war is lost. After such a conflict depending on severity surely survivors will not favor nationalism but international government.

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🎯 Neofeudalism, “Great Reset,” Great Depression 2.0; “Ruling Class of the world, unite!” WW3 might be as phony as covid19. Rather, covid19 might have been the first shot & false flag of WW3.

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first, i truly admire ur website name etc. what a fantastic character. JC and Tarzan are still my idols today 40 years after meeting them. thanks ERB and thanks to you for the memories. thx also to your poetic and stimulating words. secondly, given the global order is sewing seeds of discord. is their agenda a post apocalyptic age? what a bizzare agenda they pursue. if we only knew the location of each castel we could storm, sapp and erect the guillotine. it is time for the guillotine again. the cake is great, but we've enough

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Absolutely correct - even the whole of Nato combined fighting Russia on their doorstep would mean the complete annellation of the West's military capability. Absolute madness. As a reference the UK can supply a total force of 7000 men, supplied with ammo and supported on the field for two weeks!

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A couple of Substackers are talking about nuclear war lately. What are the odds you think this would happen and would it be more of a limited tactical nuke thing if so, or something more catastrophic (like 50% population loss from most cities getting nuked)? And... timeline?

I need to know whether to go for the practical car with more storage space and a roof rack, or the sportscar with zero cargo space. 😂

Kind of a joke. But I don't watch the TV so I am actually somewhat serious about this question.

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Heh I don't even own a TV.

Ballpark, 5-10%, and if it happens probably tactical and limited. I don't think even the WEFites possess sufficient hubris to think they could "win" a full scale exchange of strategic weaponry.

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That's good, I guess! :)

I haven't watched TV since 2009 or so when we got rid of ours in the states. I did buy one when I lived in NZ but I never ended up watching it.

I'm just hearing of increasing reports of warmongering from quite a number of people, but I wonder in turn where they are hearing it from. Various clips circulated on the internet I suppose.

I saw a funny video of Biden talking about the kleptuhhh... kleptuuucr....kleptocracy. Talk about projection!

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Last time I owned a TV was in like 2001. Once it became possible to pirat- I mean acquire video on the Internet, television seemed unnecessary.

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Where we're going, we don't need TV!


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I was expecting that video to link to a Mad Max clip.

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I need all this dystopia laced with a little more humor! haha

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To answer your questions, Monica, the odds are approaching 100% that WW-III will happen, and by 2026.

Second, there will be NO limiting this to tactical nukes. Anybody who thinks that is smoking something. The Russian oligarchs, who already don't think Putin is hardline enough, wouldn't stand for it. And I can't see anybody in America standing for it, either.

Third, everybody seems to be ignoring the biggest threat of all (to the US): Electromagnetic pulse. Three 300 kiloton nukes detonated over different parts of the US would send us back to pre-electricity days for years, possibly even decades, with a 90% casualty rate within the first year afterward.

There is no winning such a war for us, and for the majority of the US population, no surviving it for more than a year. Mass starvation is a helluva way to go.

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Great article.

You say you are not an Expert — but then again, who is?

How many people in the world can give a high-level geopolitical analysis of each individual nation involved in a theoretical global war?

Then take that information, and compile it into a useful war game?

The best we can do is Autistically sift through data, and apply the cognitive elasticity of the "G-factor" of our smartest talent... obsessive, curious people who are brilliant thinkers.

Really loved your essay; I learned a lot.

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To quote the Dude, it's just like, my opinion, man. Then again, looking at the current stratum of self-appointed geopolitical experts and the unrelieved string of foreign policy disasters they've inflicted on the US and its client states, expertise may be overvalued on this particular subject. Say what you will about their analyses, they're not particularly g-loaded.

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Bioleninism; the dysgenic, negative selection of loyalty and compliance at the expense of talent, merit, courage, truth, honor, integrity, or productivity.

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Both the biggest blackpill, and the most intoxicating of whitepills.

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Couldn't agree more.

Negative selection automatically manufactures its own Counter-elite.

Anyone with talent is Enraged, Alienated from the Regime.

Remote Work and the Covid purges have accelerated this trend.

FrogTwitter is largely where subversive dissidents such as myself are coalescing, gaining cohesion in a spirit of Fearless Brotherhood.

This underground, digital Swamp is amazing — interacting with mathematicians, soldiers, mechanics, scientists, artists, polymaths, etc..

Brilliant network effects, viral exchange of ideas.

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See my essays on the great convergence. I've been thinking about this for a while.

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