The Day The Irish Snapped
Scattered thoughts on multiculturalism, the Dublin riots, and the man who would be king
The transnational ruling class has decided that humans are to be treated as a fungible resource, to be moved around the same way we transfer oil, cell phones, or liquid capital. Of course this doesn’t apply, yet, to every country. China, India, and Japan, for example, are famously exempt from the requirements to open their borders to a laminar human flow from every segment of the globe. In practice, it is only White countries that must treat their borders like sluice gates from a cesspool.
Perhaps the motivations are purely economic. Birth rates remain stubbornly low throughout the developed world, although the adjective ‘stubbornly’ presupposes that anything whatsoever has been tried in order to raise total fertility; in practice, government policies are systematically calibrated towards suppressing the fertility of native populations, which after all helps to keep women in the workforce and, therefore, wages low. Since we all know that humans are entirely interchangeable, with no difference between a Mongol, a Mayan, and a Malay, low birth rates aren’t a problem. We can just import people to make up the difference.
The mass migration strategy that’s been pursued across the Western world has indeed had economic benefits, for the globalist tribe running things at least. By packing third-worlders into their countries, they’ve successfully raised GDP. Big line go up, which is wonderful for the financial ownership class. For everyone else, it’s been terrible, since it turns out that increasing GDP via immigration doesn’t have much of an effect on per capita GDP, although it has quite the strong effect on real estate prices (up), cost of living (up), and wages (down), which is great if you’re in the ruling class and, otherwise, not great at all.
As suggested by the failure of immigration to increase per capita GDP, the economic narrative – that we need migrants to pay for the pensions of boomers – breaks down upon cursory examination. They rely much more heavily on social housing and other benefit schemes, and they are more likely to commit crimes, with the result that their lifetime contributions to the public purse are usually negative. Even in those countries that pride themselves on their meritorious, points-based immigration schemes – Canada is a case in point – for every full-stack software engineer arriving from Mumbai, chain migration means that he brings over his parents, uncles, cousins, etc., none of whom work in the technology sector, and indeed if they work at all, tend to be doing things like driving trucks, operating convenience stores, or flipping burgers, that natives could easily do themselves (but now don’t, because immigration has suppressed wages).
So if not economics, what? Another possibility is that the managerial class, having found the indigenous White populations troublesomely creative, independent, and hard to control, has elected to turn satire into reality, and dissolve the people and elect another. As BAP has argued, imported populations become client groups beholden to left-wing political parties, thereby helping to keep them in power, in much the same way that the functional purpose of welfare programs is to convert a portion of the native population into a lumpenproletariat whose only job is to vote for the parties that keep the dole going. As one of archvillain Tony Blair’s advisors remarked, opening Britain to mass migration was a deliberate program of radically changing the country in order to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”. The same individual also noted that the economic arguments for mass migration were a cynical ploy to get around working class hostility.
Contrary to the official ideology of tabula rasa liberalism, humans are highly territorial animals. We are tribal and xenophobic by default, and therefore tend to resent and resist incursions by alien tribes into our lands. Usually with lethal violence. In what amounts to a de facto admission that humans are not, in fact, blank slates – and that the practice of treating humans as interchangeable meat robots is fundamentally flawed – the managerial class has perfected an ideological fix: convince as much of the population as possible that their tribal instincts are ‘racist’ and, therefore, evil.
Ethno-masochist indoctrination requires a narrative framework, preferably one that paints the native population as morally culpable for some past crime against humanity. This is tailored in bespoke fashion to every country. In the United States, the great crimes are of course African slavery and the conquest of the continent from the Red Man: both blacks and Amerindians are still around to serve as daily reminders of the sins of our fathers, so this has worked like a charm. In Germany, it’s the Holocaust. In England, it’s the British Empire; in France, the French Empire; in Holland, the Dutch Empire; in Spain, the Spanish Empire. In each case the narrative involves the enslavement, dispossession, or murder of a racial other by the ancestors of the native population, with the native population expected to atone for this inherited sin by allowing the descendants of the aggrieved (along with everyone else) to settle in their lands, while enduring their welfare state parasitism, criminality, and occasional acts of random terrorist violence.
This template doesn’t work as well in every country. The greater the cultural distance from the Anglo-American Empire’s bifurcated imperial centres in London and NYC, the more absurd the narratives tend to become, and the less effective. My personal favourite is Sweden, whose empire never extended outside Europe (and not really even outside of Scandinavia), and whose depredations were entirely confined to other Europeans. To try and guilt the Swedes into accepting infinity Africans, the narrative is that iron from Swedish mines might have been (read: no one actually knows) used for chains and manacles in the Atlantic slave trade. In practice, I doubt that story works very well: the popularity of mass immigration amongst a large swath of the Swedish left is much more easily explained by their striver desire to live up to the moral standards set by Harvard and Hollywood.
The narrative template breaks down entirely east of the Hajnal line. Try telling Slavs that they should feel bad for the enslavement of black people or the oppression of Muslims and they laugh in your face, since they know all too well where the word ‘slave’ came from in the first place (and that it was largely the Muslims enslaving them). The racial communism that’s been deployed to such devastating effect in Western Europe and the Anglosphere has not taken at all in Central or Eastern Europe.
Ireland is an especially interesting example. Historical guilt narratives are an absolute non-starter on the Emerald Isle. They’ve spent most of the last thousand years desperately fighting to regain control of their island from foreign invaders, first the Norse – it was the Vikings who founded Dublin in the 9th century, as a slave market no less – and then the long twilight struggle against the hated English, who used the Irish as disposable indentured labour in the New World plantations1, effectively genocided them in the Potato Famine, permanently divided the country with the Ulster Plantation, and suppressed the native tongue so thoroughly that English is still the most commonly spoken language.
Ireland has never had an empire; it was the tool and victim of empire. The Irish people’s only connection to the slave trade is as a source of slaves.
Ireland has only had its independence from Britain for slightly over a century – from the 6th of December, 1922 – an achievement purchased with rivers of blood.
And yet Ireland, too, must, like every other White country, accept Infinity Africans.
Since there are not even tenuous grounds for historical guilt towards non-Whites, the narrative deployed in Ireland plays to the Irish sense of solidarity towards other supposed victims of empire. The Igbo were exploited by the Empire, too; therefore the Irish must stand with them. By inviting as many as possible to live on their shores.
This seems to work very well on a fraction of the Irish population sufficiently large to keep their gay half-Indian Irish-hating taoiseach Leo Varadkar in power2.
Doubtless there are other factors. By turning itself into an offshore tax haven, Ireland has attracted scads of foreign investment; a land famous for centuries for its ignorance, superstition, and poverty, has in the historical blink of an eye become cosmopolitan, educated, and wealthy. That’s a powerful argument in favour of multicultural liberalism.
Still, the price the Irish pay for their newfound prosperity is a steep one. Already they are grappling with a housing shortage for themselves even as migrants are put up in free housing, along with increased crime, and racial tensions between resentful, restive natives and arrogant invaders who know full well they have the protection of the sanctimonious, politically correct state. There’s nothing particularly unique in this, of course. It’s the same story everywhere in the West.
In the long run it may cost them everything. Their land is still 91% White, of whom 82% are native Irish, but the total population of the country is only 5 million. With only 4.1 million native Irish living in Ireland, there are fewer Irish in the world than Jews. The Irish make up 0.05% of the world’s population. In contrast, there are around 400 million people in the Middle East, 1.2 billion Africans, and 1.4 billion Indians. The rest of the world could swamp Ireland without noticing. Last year Ireland allowed in 141,600 migrants, almost 3% of the country’s population. At that rate the Irish will be a minority in their own country in less than 30 years.
If something can’t go on, it won’t.
Yesterday an Algerian man went on a stabbing spree, with small children among his victims.
The Irish, it seemed, snapped.
Immigration centres were torched, buses were burned, and the gardai were assaulted.
What is it they say? Riots are the voice of the unheard? Show me what democracy looks like, this is what democracy looks like? Oppressed youth subjected to the systemic disadvantages of discrimination and bigotry need to be given space to destroy?
Never mind all that. As the Irish media reminded us the day after, only non-Whites are allowed to express their outrage via fiery but mostly peaceful protests. When Whites do it, it is ultra-far-right xenophobic nationalist barbaric hate.
However much you hate regime journalists, you don’t hate them enough, although you could do worse than hating these bottom-feeding sea guppies as much as the Irish are learning to.
The resentful little rodent Varadkar wasted no time in giving an utterly tone-deaf press conference:
As a country we need to reclaim Ireland, we need to take it back from the cowards who hide behind masks and who try to terrify us with their violence. We need to take back Ireland from the unscrupulous who prey on the fears of those easily led into darkness. We need to take back Ireland from the criminals who seek any excuse to unleash horror on our streets.
That’s an impressive level of chutzpah from one of the mafiosi who has dedicated his career to leading Ireland into darkness and unleashing horror on its streets.
To all those cowardly champions of Ireland who took to the streets of Dublin last night, let me say one thing. Ask your sisters – ask your friends – ask everyone you know – what they fear most on the streets. They are afraid of you. They are afraid of your anger and rage. They are afraid of your violence and your hate, how you blame others for your problems.
‘Cowardly’ is certainly an interesting insult to hurl at them, given that every single one of the rioters risks an extensive jail sentence, to say nothing of severe social sanctions for being an evil racist. Notice also the appeal to the tender sensibilities of the womenfolk. Remember, lads: in the Longhouse, you do not defend your land against invaders. You stand aside, and silently look on as your birthright is taken from you and your women are raped. If you make a fuss about it, feelings might get hurt. Maybe you should even applaud, to ensure the invaders know how much they’re appreciated.
Rhetoric aside, Varadkar is reacting to the uprising by the colonized population he presides over exactly as you’d expect:
The problem isn’t that Ireland is being flooded with unassimilable, predatory aliens. The problem isn’t that a little girl was stabbed by one of them. No, the problem is that the Irish have a problem with it. So he will ram through “hate speech” laws – which promise to be the most draconian in the world, such that one could be convicted merely for having the wrong memes on one’s hard drive, if I recall correctly – in order to prohibit them from even talking about it. If no one can talk about the problem, there’s no problem. Easy, no?
While the branch manager for global capital polishes his bona fides for his regional managers and emphasizes that the state’s response to the problems created by its policies is to implement those policies even harder, a challenger appears.
MMA champion and aspiring champion of his people Conor McGregor has no more love for the limp wrists and poison tongues of the media class than the man on the street does:
And he’s had some sharp words for the traitorous taoiseach, his occupation government, and the parasites they’ve invited into the country:

He’s been quick to distance himself from the violence:
Which is, strategically, exactly the right line to take. Rioting isn’t usually terribly useful on its own. It tends to serve as a steam valve that gets people thrown in jail while alienating the rest of the population. In conjunction with a non-violent political wing, however, riots can be very useful. The rioters are the unreasonable ones you don’t want getting riled up; their spokesman is the reasonable man with whom you would rather deal, and to whom, therefore, concessions will be made. This was the strategy used by Sinn Fein and the IRA; it was also the strategy used by Martin Luther King, Jr. There’s no reason not to use it now. We’re well passed the time for conventional electoral politics.
McGregor seems to get it. He knows what time it is.
There’s no telling what his plan is – whether it’s to run for office, or to destabilize the regime in different ways. McGregor is an MMA fighter, not a lawyer, so he probably isn’t thinking of political conflict in quite the same way as most politicians do (my favoured strategy, which has proven remarkably popular over on Xitter, is for McGregor to march into parliament and defeat Varadkar in single combat). As his remarks demonstrate however, he knows the power of rhetoric, for better or for worse3.
He’s gotten nothing but love and support by stepping forward as Eire’s champion. McGregor’s sudden appearance on the political scene may prove far more impactful in the long run than a single flash in the pan riot.
The people yearn for a king.
They need a leader to crystallize around. They know this instinctively. Without one, they are merely a dusty cloud of atomised individuals. With a leader to act as the magnetic focus, they become a cohesive, powerful organism that can shatter the sclerotic parasite state that is slowly asphyxiating them.
Therefore rise, McGregor, first of his name, chosen by fate, and claim your crown, left lying in gutter, to become defender of the realm, High King of the tribes of Ireland, successor to the Tuatha de Danaan, favoured son of the Sidhe. Take up the spear of of Cú Chulainn in one hand, King Conor of Ireland, and the sceptre of Saint Patrick in the other, and drive the snakes from Ireland once again.
Thank you for reading. As always, an especially big thank you to my paid supporters, who make it possible for me to continue doing this instead of getting a real job.
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If you want to hear more on this topic, you should subscribe to the Tonic Discussions YouTube channel. We’ll be discussing the broad themes that were touched on here next Sunday. Maybe. No promises. Almost every week, I get together with the little band of Substack writers that have gathered together on Deimos Station to talk about something fascinating, like preserving human agency in the age of AI, or drugs and social control, or aliens. You should check those podcasts out, they don’t get nearly enough love, which is probably because we do such a terrible job of promoting them.
As always, in between writing on Substack you can find me on Twitter @martianwyrdlord, and I’m also pretty active at Telegrams From Barsoom.
And treated far worse than the more valuable African farm equipment.
Varadkar is the leader of the Fine Gael party, the name of which means ‘Family of the Irish’. The irony.
He’s known for talking a lot of shit and not really following through, famously losing to Floyd Mayweather in the ‘biggest fight in combat sports history’. To be fair, it was a boxing match, which put McGregor at a considerable disadvantage given that he’s used to being able to kick and grapple as well as just punch. I doubt he’s too troubled by his loss, given that he made a hundred million from it.
Aisling Murphy was a lovely 23 year old who was brutally murdered by a 31 year old Slovakian Gypsy while out running in Ireland in January of 2022.
He is a father of five who had been living in Ireland and collecting welfare and disability despite being in perfect health.
The papers at the time of her murder reported the police line that she had been strangled. It emerged during the trial that she had been stabbed multiple times and had died screaming in terror. The media never corrected their initial story.
The trial just concluded with a guilty verdict last week and really primed the pump for this rioting.
Things are really on the boil.
The only thing worse than the despicable Irish political class is the execrable Irish journalist class.
Another great essay- time for me to start paying my fair share.
Damn. You and MacGregor both make me want to reclaim my heritage - and not by drinking Guinness. I’ve been saying it awhile now, the snapback is going to be worse. To quote a friend of mine from Appalachia - “The folks in government need to realize that historically... like, for all of human history, white people don’t lose wars of survival.”